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Everything posted by End

  1. kyokushin i dont know, i go tuesdays and thursdays once at week a random(thursday is my default day if for some reason i cant make it on tuesday) ive only seen him there occasionally (but he could be going once a week for all i know) and ive just started training there, so i cant say if he has regular breathing problems but when the sempai asked him if he has asthma the student said 'no'. about the overweight sempai, its not that hes overweight that i have a problem with (i dont care, hes a great teacher normally) it just that when he really gets into it he looks like hes about to have a heart attack, seriously.
  2. hi everyone, (1) i was at my class last night and there was a student who was having trouble breathing, i noticed him having it when we were going through the techniques but during fighting one of the sempais was asked to watch us (as he is 12 and im 22, hes a green belt, im a white) and the sempai noticed him having difficulty breathing and asked if he was alright, he replied that he wasnt and that he couldnt breath, all the sempai did was put his hand over the student belly for some reason and not much else except to breath properly and kia when he hits me, i founds this grossly wrong. anyone else have opinions on what happened? how many karate teachers out there now first aid? (2) ive noticed in the last couple of weeks one of the other sempais there is overweight, its not that hes overweight that i have a problem with its that when when we start going through our techniques at the start of class hes alright and techniques are good but as we go on, he can barely do the kicks properly, so bad that my kicks are great and im only a white belt (my kicks are still bad though). anyone have any opinions on this kind of teacher? (3) we do push up on our knuckles, its hard as hell and hurts, but does anyone know of any health problems with doing these? i mean i also like to draw and play guitar and i sure as hell dont wanna screw up my hands. thanks if anyone could reply with their opinions on the above questions.
  3. thanks for the response everyone, ive got some more questions now, im trying to learn alot so i write alot down after every class. 1. my sensei gave us a break and said we could get a drink(we only had like a minute tops) and i left the dojo area to go to my back with my water. i said osu when i left and when i entered but when i got back in i wasnt sure if i should have left the dojo area. everyone else stayed in and had their gear on the side off the floor. should i have left? should i have asked permission? 2. what is it that everyone shouts all the time, i dont think its osu. when we have to do our techniques my sensei says something and then everyone shouts something and they say that one thing for every time they do the technique. 3. theres a technique they do when they raise there arms and bring it down making a loud noise, i think its a breathing exercise, ive got no idea. what is it? thanks again if anyone could answer them.
  4. hi everyone, i went to my first class at a kyukoshin dojo, my first ever martial art and i liked it alot, but i have a couple of questions if anyone could answer them. 1. what does osu mean? 2. is there any book or website that lists all the techniques there, i think we went through like 20 and i cant remember what they were all called. 3. this is just a general karate question, but if i see my sempai down the street or just outside class do i refer to him as sempai? or just by his normal name? thanks again if anyone could answer them.
  5. hi, im going to start up karate and i was wondering how often a week does everyone go to training? i plan on going once a week because i can only aford to go once. how about everyone else? opinions?
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