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bat in a birdless village

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bat in a birdless village's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. The one thing I will say you shouldn't do is use those belts Century sells that have velcro behind the permanent knot or in the back. Those make me sick. bat
  2. I agree with a lot of what you said and am now asking you: what are you going to do to fix that? I ran a school in a local park for about 2 years and did not charge anyone. I even promoted people in rank there and did not charge. Are you willing to do the same? bat
  3. http://media.www.siude.com/media/storage/paper1096/news/2007/06/19/OtherSports/Power.Ranger.To.Fight.In.Cage-2916017.shtml It will be in the Illinois Cage Fighting Event. He has wanted to do this for a long time, but Disney (owner of the Ranger shows) has kept him away due to contractual issues. bat
  4. Many mixed styles are excellent. Just go in, give it a try, then make your decision. bat
  5. http://www.bridgeport.edu/pages/3868.asp There is the link to the university's ma program.
  6. Is it really a fast track though? At a typical martial arts school, you attend class two times a week at an hour and a half each time (for a total of three hours per week). At a university, you would go five times a week for two hours a day and be required to do LOTS of written homework, which would be required for all college classes. I think it would actually work out to a 2nd degree in four years, assuming someone walked in already having a good knowledge base of the martial arts. bat
  7. https://www.youtube.com has 39,000 martial arts videos to view right now. You would have to got here and search through them to find what you want. There are original clips of Ed Parker, Bruce Lee, the Dog Brothers, Remi Presas, Hatsumi Sensei, and everyone you can think of. Go there and type in the style or instructor you are looking for. bat
  8. 2nd degree black belt in tang soo do, if I remember correctly. bat
  9. Those first vids are from when Chloe Bruce was a young teenager. That last one was one of many that can be found at youtube.com of her in her early 20's. She is a nice girl and I am a fan. I have emailed her back and forth at her site: https://www.chloebruce.co.uk She was a little weak as a young girl, but now she has unreal kicking power. bat
  10. I am not being rude, but being in karate and never having heard of Joe Lewis is like being a rock and roll fan and never hearing of Elvis Presley. Joe Lewis, Bill Wallace, Mike Stone, and Chuck Norris were the greatest karate players from the first generation of martial artists in the US. Joe Lewis and Bill Wallace continue being the two most influential living karate people (Chuck Norris could be considered that as well, but he focused more on acting until recently). You badly need to read more about Joe Lewis. bat
  11. Wow. That is hands down the best statement I have ever heard about being a shodan (I am not being sarcastic). I am writing that down in my ma notebook. In fact, I think that just became my tagline. Excellent statement, sensei rick! bat
  12. I agree with one of the above posters. If you have not gotten to black belt yet, why are you thinking about starting your own school (I assume that is what you mean by "branching out")? You may be a very capable teacher, but having only a few years under your belt, do you feel now is the time to go solo? Relax, enjoy the scenery, enjoy where you are and learn as much as you can. bat
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