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jairic's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Thanks Sohan. I'll go that route, I appreicate your help. Jake
  2. The only thing I can say is that as far as a multi gym goes, the total gym is my fav mecause you still have the adaptability of being able to work the major muscle group your after while still needing the minor muscle groups to help becuase you have to control your range of motion. Jake
  3. Alright, I need to drop weight so I can get into this stuff. I've low carb dieted before and it worked fabulously, i quit that and tried other diets, and i couldn't make those work. So if I go back on the low carb diet, I know i'll drop the weight, but will it be beneficial to my goal to be in shape for tae kwon do?(or whatever i end up doing) Thanks for the help! Jake
  4. Thanks Sohan, I have read a lot ofyour posts, and I really have a lot of respect for you, thanks for taking the time to reply. Jake
  5. I have a lot of respect for the Gracie's, but Matt Hughes is amazing, and I think that he will end up winning, as long as he is smart enough to keep it standing, IMO. I've seen the same sentiment on here already, and agree whole heartedly. Jake
  6. If it could be anyone ever, I'd say Bruce Lee, but nowadays Ken Shamrock. Jake
  7. Definately Ken Shamrock, cause I respect him so much, that would be a great beating I'd take. Jake
  8. I've played guitar for about 12 years, and of course bass follows suit. jake
  9. I'd never let one of my brothers fight if i could help it, and if someone did try and fight my brother, god help them. Love my brothers way too much to let them risk getting hurt in some foolish street fight. Jake
  10. Bob Sapp is just plain scary! I do think though, that Tim Silvia (SP) would be him down pretty quick. And I agree Big John would be the perfect ref! Jake
  11. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm really excited, I email a couple of places, one hasn't emailed back yet, and another a Tae Kwon Doe place the Master Instructor emailed me back, and gave me his number to call with questions, so I'm going to do that, and then check out another place called AFTA where the instructor is in the Black Belt Hall of Fame *I think that's what it is* that seems like a good oppurtunity. But agian thanks for the help I appreciate it! Jake
  12. Hey everyone. My first post here. A guy I work with has got me very interested in the idea of studying a martial arts discipline. I've always wanted to, but have been way too intimidated. I'm 5'9" and about 230lbs, i'm going to drop some weight, dieting/working out. But i'm 23 years old, am I too late to get into this and be able to be competitive at it, i'm extermely competitive and would love to be able to do this. BTW I'm in Rockford, Illinois so if anyone has any places to recomend please do, thanks a lot. Jake PS How will I know if a place is bunk?
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