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Everything posted by marine0321

  1. I joined the Marines after A good friend was murdered. He was trying to stop robbery without a firearm or any type of training. I guess it was my way of revenge. Hoping the same thing would happen to me and I could come out on top. Things have changed now, and I dont look foward to being put in that situation but am glad to have the training in case that situation happens. "shoot straight and Have a good one". Im out.
  2. The post, please help me find my hero, brings me to a question that we all ask. Why do we study the martial arts or join the military or LE or just a civilian who carries a concealed weapon? Is it to protect our self. Sport, something to keep us busy maybe? or is it because we all know what is right and what is wrong? Why did you join in?
  3. It's good to know that some people are willing to do the right thing. I have heard of people being murdered in the streets while others witness and knowone so much as call the police. The step father could have easly left you and your wife there to die. That is why I joined the Marine Corp. I can't stand by and let a person become a victum. It is everyones responsailty to see to it that our neighbors are safe.
  4. I am in Bloomington IN. Heard that Monroe County Martial Arts is a good place to study and Mr. Scotts Is a Former Marine. (not for sure if thats true) but if it is I wll more than likely try there.
  5. Thank you all. I now live in Indiana and know of 2-3 good schools in my area, one with a former marine instructor. I think the one thing that bothers me is the fact I have strived myself to not be pirfect but as close to as possable, and then this happens. Its more of a pride thing I think. i have never not been able to handle a situation. Even after we had a RPG attack and I was able to get out of the hummer and return fire. Now a street punk that weighed 50lbs less than me freaks me out. Not exceptable!!!!!!!
  6. Had the same problem before the marine corp. they fixed that with super sets example: do you bench as normal, do your max weight then rack your bar and pick up light weight dumnbells for flies right after you rack up your bench bar. (no rest)
  7. could it also be I have just not had to fight for a while? 4 yrs is not a short period of time. I still pratice shooting alot but finding a sparing budy is hard so should I start studing martial arts?
  8. I am a former staff sarg marine who has been deployed to afganistan were I was put in a situation were hand to and combat was required resulting in the death of 1 hostile subject. That was the last time I had to fight without a firearm(2002). 2 days ago me and my wife were walking to a soda machine down the road from our house. It was in the middle of the day and in a nice neighborhood so I decided to not bring my concaled firearm that I carry daily. someone tried to mug us and I found myself frozen and in a panic. This is not like me at all!!!!!! I was involved in a number of firefight and was credited with 9 confermed kills. It was luck that a police officer was driving by and seen everything. What can I do to make sure I will not panic again if a hand to hand situation happens again.
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