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  • Interests
    Training, Martial Arts, Games etc.
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Bud's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Does anyone know any sites where i can find nutritional info on all kinds of different foods?
  2. yes! Brendan "Fearless" Dwyer Drawn to extreme sports, adventure and any other type of death defying stunts, you are the first in line to try the latest thrill. Whether it's bungee jumping in New Zealand and snowboarding in the Alps, you are ready for anything! Vital Gear Includes a first-aid kit, Gatorade and multi-pocketed cargo pants.
  3. I am also buying a punchingbag and I live in Toronto. If anyone knows any stores in T.O. that sells punching bags and preferably a stand (the bag would tear down my ceiling) and could give me the name that would be great. Any help is appreciated.
  4. Thanks for the help ill soon be starting my second week due to complications in the first and my friends joining the plan with me so i had to redo the first again...
  5. Can someone help me out i started this workout and im on week two. But i don't know what 8:30 pace means. I'm guessing it means 8 minutes and 30 second to complete it but is that per mile, or the entire two or what?
  6. Two words... Tito Ortiz!
  7. I think I know what you mean. When people are buggin me and I'm thinkin about the fight or in the middle of the fight I feel sick to my stomach and like I possibly might puke, although I never have yet. Is this how you feel? I also feel like this when im talkin about a fight before i get into one and sometimes when im fightin with my friends(just for fun btw.) But i get all hyped up and even though they are my friends i go nuts and either get them down to the point where they dont wanna get up or i choke hold them into submission... Maybe its just me and i get way into fights or im a nut... has to be one or the other. I just feel like i started the fight so no matter who it is i gotta finish it(or them). So is this the same way you feel? And is that adrenaline or somethin else? Or again am I nuts? [ This Message was edited by: Bud on 2002-05-19 21:04 ]
  8. Mine is roughly 68 bpm. How do you get your heart rate lower and whats a good heart rate to have?
  9. I find that after I train I am really sore the next day. I do strength training and a bit of cardio but whenever I train I'm sore for a few days afterward and I train on the schedule of: Mon, Wed, Fri = strength Tues, Thurs, Sat = cardio So I am sore all the time although I just started working out so will it go away after a while or should i take it easier when I workout?? Maybe more stretching?? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hey I just signed up for this message board but have been reading on it for a while since im very into weight training and fitness. Me and my friend even started a little weight room in the locker room of our building... without anyone knowing though Anyways I am 5'9" and weighed 130 lbs. last time I weighed myself which was about a month ago. I recently have been strength training and have been eating healthier and more often, for instance I just recently started eating breakfast. I welcome any tips you have for gaining muscle tone (I'm pretty sure thats what it is called or maybe muscle definition? ) and how to keep it.
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