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Heather Smyth

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  • Martial Art(s)
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  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Children,

Heather Smyth's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. While practicing any kata of form that I am not very confident I always think of the movements, proper stances, and good technique. When doing those that I am very comfortable with I think of nothing. I clear my mind completly and move wihout thought. From doing this I gain almost a spirtual experience. Now when competing I usually visualize my children and their desire to see mommy do good. I think that if I tried to perform while thinking of protecting the lives of my boys then I simply could not focus on technique, stances, or even the movements. It is my personal opinion that katas are training tools, and it is impossible to actually defend yourself or someone you love doing any form or kata. More than just a training tool they put the word Art in Martial Arts, because they are also a means of artistic expression. Heather
  2. I learned in my TKD school that you run less of a risk of injury to the knees when you pivot the full 180 degrees. I also notice a pulling sensation in my knee when only pivot only 90. Just tried it to see Anyone else have any opinions on this. I just do not see how 180 degrees is bad on the knees..
  3. I have actually done this. I broke away and started an afterschool program for kids. This is just the beginning. We are called Martial Arts 4 me. We pull skills from a variety of stlyes with a concentration in TaeKwonDo. I don't imagine it is a typical name for a style, but it suits what I do perfectly. We individualize a students teachings based on their needs. We offer classes for cheerleaders that incorporate Martial Arts traing that will also benifit them in their cheering. We do the same for football players and all other athletes. We also have some classes with emphasis on the mental aspects for the kids that are interested in this. I literally am teaching all kinds of different things and constantly adding different classes. My goal is for someday to offer classes to suit the specific needs of any individual. Heather
  4. For me one of the most helpful books in my MA training has been the Bible. Even though it does not relate to karate so to say, but it has helped to engrave the morals and values which makes me who I am. It is my opinion that to become a true Martial Artist one must possess knowledge, control, and confidence with not only ones physical skills, but also within an inner peace of the mind and soul. I do not wish to preach christianity to anyone. What I will reccommend to anyone of any faith to use the teachings in whatever spirtual literature of your religion to help enhance yourself to become not just some one who practices Martial Arts but to become a Martial Artist. Heather
  5. This may sound a little crazy to some of you, but one of the ways I meditate is the brown bag method. When I am worrying about different things, which is often because I am recently a single mom with two kids, I sit down and get comfortable. Then tighten all of my muscles in a sequence from head to toe for a few seconds then relax them. When my entire body is relaxed I then begin to take the individual things that are in my life and put them one by one in a brown paper bag in my mind. I then wad them up and throw them in the trash leaving nothing in my mind except black empty space. There in the middle of nowhere in my mind I find peace. Heather
  6. Why do u say that women have limited strength?
  7. I really liked the video. Thanks, Heather
  8. I prefer a bowl of honey bunches of oats after my morning run and a bananna and peanut butter sandwich after my night workout. It is sweet and not that bad for me. Double points!!! Heather
  9. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good music to design a free design black belt form to. Throw me some ideas please!!!! Heather
  10. I developed a strong personal relationship with my instructor, but she did train me from the time I was four til now, and I am 21. I know every thing about her. We are now best friends. She directed my wedding, I was at the hospital when her first grandson was born, etc. I on the other hand let my students know nothing about me. Of coarse I teach children, but I do not share my personal life with them. Heather
  11. Sohan nailed this one for you. I just have one thing to add. Be patient. Flexability is something that just does not come naturally to some of us and can take some time to achieve. Do not ever give up. Heather
  12. My best advice to any instructor or instructor trainee either blue belt or 6th degree BB is Humility. Even though you know more than the other student you should NEVER let that go to your head. Having knowledge does not make you better it just means you know more. I hope you gain the confidence you need to help others on your TKD journey, but I also hope you keep some of that fear. It will make you care about your students and not just how good or bad you look while teaching. Good Luck!! Heather
  13. We had an instructor demoted back to red belt and he was a 4th degree because he came to judge a tournament drunk. He quit soon after. Heather
  14. I am glad I can help. I was just thinking that I had not done anything nice for anyone lately for no reason because I have been soooooooo busy. I want to thank you as well for reminding me how good it feels to help someone out for no reason at all. Thanks, Heather
  15. Thank you all for your advice. Heather
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