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  • Interests
    all martial arts/any sport as long as it gets u moving
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Chan84's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. if you want to look like jean-claudde -van-damme then yeah ur gonna hav to hit the gym. once you hit 16 it is pretty safe to usethe gym but do it under supervision by someone who knows wot they r doin. I started just after my 16th and took it slowly to begin. with a healthy, diet plenty of protien, and a good training regieme u will see great results within a few months. Also training everyday isnt wise. even without extra weight your body is still under stress. it needs time to repair. try training one day, rest the next, and split ur training up as well, e.g arms monday, chest tuesday..... and really pound the muscle till you cant egg out anymore reps. hope this helps.
  2. I see "training" as the means by which we are able to hone our skill and technique as a martial artist. This could be anything from sparring to gym work for your muscles or meditation to strengthen your mind. Training is YOUR way of better yourself. It is whatever you make it.
  3. Hey guys, ive never tried creatine but i have looked into it. On the whole creatine has been seen to not only improve physical perfomance and looks but test have linked it with helping reduce the risk of heart problems and the same for other organs as well. Links have been made to some forms of cancers but poof has never been found to support these claims. As far as im concerned CREATINE DEFINETLY ROCKS, and wen my next pay check comes in im off to the store.
  4. Hi, I'm lookin for a new challenge. I've achieved a black belt in karate and would love to try a new style of art. Its Been a year or so since i last seriously trained after a string of injuries. My upper body is fairly under trained and so most of my power resides in my legs. For this i was tihnkin of a more kick/footwork orientated sport, but also it must train flexibility quite serioulsy as i hav back problems from time to time. I hav started a training regime to try to bolster my strength/power in all area. Any views are much appreciated. Cheers guys!!
  5. Chan84

    Horse Stance.

    In Reply to the last post, while i was a practicioner of karate i trained in the horse stance for a long time and found the with PROPER technique and body conditioning that leg sweeps were fairly ineffective due to the power developed in my legs. Also it is possible to channel a push/shove downwards to prevent yourself being knocked over. To KickChick, yes there is a kata called tekki done completely in horse stance, its cool but it gets to be a bugger after a while, if you try it, learn it quickly. cyas later.
  6. hey, thanks for the welcome. and thatnk for all the help with my other posting bout the back problem. I'm sure it'll all be of use in a way. So cya later, until the next posting.........
  7. Hey, hows it going I'm Chan84 as uve probably notice, I'm from way up north in Scotland. Just a quick question, wots with the belts at the side of the postings, they're cool, and I'm no amatuer like the white belt suggests, I'm a fully qualified black belt in karate.
  8. I've done a major screw up by pulling some major muscle groups in my lower back. If ya got any tips for streches and training methods to make a back more resiliant and less injury prone then please help. i gotta get training again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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