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  • Martial Art(s)
    Kyokushin Karate, Sun Style Tai Chi Chuan, Ken-Shen Ryu Jujitsu
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  • Interests
    Philosophy, Poetry
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lowkicker's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I think the latest science isn't really science, but maybe some scientist's opinion. Read 5 different books or studies & find 5 different answers.Thats an excellent point. So just for you information, I got these "facts" if you will, from a group of Martial Artists here in my area. They are doctors and students at UAB Medical center that decided to study stretching as a test case group for martial arts, but they found their results bled over into several atheletic endeavors. Certainly I'm no expert, but their study is good enough to warrant merit at least from me, and I thought I would share it with any that are interested. Thats the beauty of such a forum as this, we can gather all sorts of useful info and determine what is useful, or not useful to us individually. I'm glad we have such a place to share and learn from each other.
  2. The latest science indicates that static stretching (most trad. stretches) can cause more harm than good. In fact, you should NOT static stretch before a physical attivity such as martial arts. Dynamic, or motion oriented stretches should be used before a workout. Such as jumping jacks, arm circles, deep knee bends, ect. Static stretching still has value in overall flexibility, but to maintain any actual gains you must stretch at a minimum of twice daily.
  3. Thats funny I can actually see you there with a headset on taking drive-thru blackbelt orders Order now and get the Gi patch absolutely free!!
  4. There are no "winners" or "losers" in a real fight. You were attacked, you survived, end of story. Anything else is Ego, and you can train that out of you.
  5. Hnmn. I'd have to say the Low Kick.
  6. Yup, zinc is the way to go.
  7. I try to gauge my level of power and intensity according to the abilities of my sparring partner to defend and counter. The sex you happen to be is relative. As far as competing in a NHB scenario, I could not risk lowering my guard or my power just because I was facing a woman. That could potentially set up a behavior in myself that could get me hurt someday, and I cant let that happen.
  8. Just curious. How exactly is a bandana disrespectful? Part of being an effective teahcer, lies in your ability to lead, but not rule. If I truly thought long hair was causing you problems in sparring, I would suggest you remedy the situation. It seems to me that the bandana does this. Forcing a student to bend to your will over something like a haircut is trivial at best, and tyrannical at worst. When I first began teaching in the early 90's I started out with the "I am the emperor" attitude. I made the terrible assumption that I had nothung to learn from my students. I was completely wrong! Now I strive for a teaching environment conducive to mutual respect, accelerated learning, and quiet leadership. Id rather have a long haired student that learns and thinks for his/herself, and has confidence and respect in my teaching., than a clean cut student that harbors recentment, and cheats him/herself because of closed mindedness brought on by a patty dispute. However this is just my opinion, and out of the same respect I teach and demand, the instructor has every right to run the school the way they choose, and you have the right to attend or not.
  9. San Shou was developed in the 1960's by the Chinese Army. Basically it is a Chinese MMA consisting of Kung Fu, Chinese Wrestling, Boxing/Kick boxing, and Chin Na. Largely it has been developed as a sport, But Im sure its somewhat valid for defense, if it is taught in that light.
  10. Hello all. My name is David Hardman. I hope to interact with fellow martial artists, to share my views, and learn yours. I have been a martial artist for 33 years, Im 40 now by the way. I hope I can also make some lasting friendships while here. Thanks, Dave
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