Just curious. How exactly is a bandana disrespectful? Part of being an effective teahcer, lies in your ability to lead, but not rule. If I truly thought long hair was causing you problems in sparring, I would suggest you remedy the situation. It seems to me that the bandana does this. Forcing a student to bend to your will over something like a haircut is trivial at best, and tyrannical at worst. When I first began teaching in the early 90's I started out with the "I am the emperor" attitude. I made the terrible assumption that I had nothung to learn from my students. I was completely wrong! Now I strive for a teaching environment conducive to mutual respect, accelerated learning, and quiet leadership. Id rather have a long haired student that learns and thinks for his/herself, and has confidence and respect in my teaching., than a clean cut student that harbors recentment, and cheats him/herself because of closed mindedness brought on by a patty dispute. However this is just my opinion, and out of the same respect I teach and demand, the instructor has every right to run the school the way they choose, and you have the right to attend or not.