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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Boxing, Karate
  • Interests
    Fighting, Guitar, Rock Music, Training
  • Occupation
    Student In Martial Arts

Jp656's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Than a double teamer, I remember this, When i was alot younger, My first fight ever, (dont see why im just remembering it now), The kid was mine, Went up to him gave a good grapple and lead it into a headlock, I was trying to get the kid to tap out i didnt wanna hurt him, I just wanted to prove to the little punk that he should be messing with me like he was, Anyway, Eventually he turned kinda red and i let go, Asked him to give up again, and he gave me a kick in the groin... That hurt, then, I got up and pushed him to the ground, Was on top of him and got read to punch, Once again asked him to give up, He didnt so i gave him a chop in the side of the neck, Just to make him lose alittle breath and cause alittle pain, Eventually i gave him a punch in the nose because he wouldnt give up, he blead alittle, and this whole time his big friend was hiding in the woods, Im saying big kids outweighd me by about 30 pounds ill tell you, He came out and grabbed my arms and dragged me off his friend, Then the one i was fighting origanaly jumped on me and started punching me in the stomach, I lost some air and side kicked him in the face, He fell down ,Then the big one through me onto the tar, Got alittle scrape, But so far a couple bruises was all i got, Then the big one was on me, And i had no problem with this kid exept he started attacking me, And after a few minutes the other one got up and they were on bolth sides of me, I told him that i wanted to fight one of them and that was the one that was screwing with me, The big one then pushed me across the tar and scaped a gash on my head, I was mad and i was bleeding pretty bad, So , i saw the weakness in the two, The big one wasn't hard to get out of the way a side kick kept him down and when i tryed to move towarde the kid i was origanaly fighting the big one kept forcing me back, Anyway, I just walked away and he tells everyone that he beat me, And im sick of this crap, He still holds it to me, The little punk is gonna get what he has coming though, He made me look bad and everyone takes me for nothing now, But ive got a score to settle and this things gonna happen after this vacation im having, I made a post about it, I just felt like sharing, I want to see if anyone thinks what im doing is rong, that or has something to agree with me and wants to share a story of their own
  2. Guys got a point, Then again, The color of your belt also earns you some respect that you cant get without proving that your have the experiece....with the belt...Then again, I fight on the street most of the time, No one wears no belt there
  3. Starting tommarow its my vacation from school, Hell yea, I got ten days and i need a way to get stronger before i go back, Im not being neieive or anythign but im off dojo for the week and i think i f i can get enough exersise and work out i can get ahead in my dojo allitle and ive got a score to settle sith someone, And my friend and sparring partner ive talked about beofer in some other posts, Is going down to florida for some special training or whatever, He's rich, Im almost pore, how can i get the same work out or better as him without all the money and "special Training" , Ive got no equipment for exersise, Only my bare hands and feet....That aside... Any tips?
  4. i guess if you live in the u.s like i do it would just be something that few people would be doing and there wouldnt be any compititons, But hey, Its fun and u'll look pretty cool at a highschool dance
  5. Well, Heres my opinion. Im actually learning okiwan style karate and getting some boxing lessons and grapples from friends and family, But im mainly focusing on karate. I wanna try to improve my fitness and balance and hand speed and all that so i learn boxing and use some of that and some grapples i learn when i actually fight, I thinhk basing yourself on one style and then learnign some tricks on the side from differnt styles is a great idea to make yourself less pertictable. And as for the capoeira class i'd say go for it, I mean, To me capoeira doesnt look like something i'd really use much in actually fighting but it looks really fun and i think learning that just to have some fun and maybe some compititions is a good idea too, once i base myself allitle more and get the hang of karate im gonna start learning some of that too... so my opionion is combination is good
  6. This realy sucks, Listen, My karate instructer says i gotta get my hair cut because my hair is in my eyes when i sparr, and i hate getting my hair cut, Its screws up my whole life i hate it! I bought a bandana and put it on under my headgear, Then i was sparring and it was staying in place perfectly, He thought that my hair was cut, then the next day i come in with it on, and he tells me to take it off and sees my hair still long and spazzes out, I told him how i was wearing it the day before in sparring and how it stayed perfect, But this went to that, and of course i ended up getting a hair cut, I gave pictures to the person i wanted to cut it and explained every detail I come out bald Barbers suck, All my life they screw things up and i pay for it, Anyway, Is it fair to have to get my hair cut even though i can keep it in place perfectly with a bandana? Just saying, For next time.. Is it fair?
  7. Hey, Hers the problem, Ive got a strong punch with my right, But my left is horrible, And i cant find any easy ways to train my left from scratch, Its becoming a real issue i realized cuz when i fight a 1-2 combo turns into punch, and then basicly autimatic block, or if it hits it will barelly hurt, So bascily, its my only real weak spot right now, Im geting reversed into things like wrist twist grapples and because my left hand cant go in and out fast enough im getting some bad counter hots hit to my left arm too. Sometimes it hurts me to punch people with my left hand thats how bad it is So, Any ideas on how to get my left hand stronger? oh, and i dont have any exersise equipment either so.....uhh i need help
  8. Looks fun, But can a cocasion really do something like that? I dont know if im just thinking rong or something but alot of people say that brazilians and jamacians are the only ones who can really do it well
  9. haha yea, a cheerleader punched me in the stomach for saying hi, Apararently i was using a load town and she was parkt of some rape escape system, Theyve got all the rights in the world to protect themself, But theres a time for that, And its now when you say hi...
  10. Yea, Shin gaurds, not that nessasary, Then again My shins get banged up alot at school, When a girl kicks you its either in the shin or the crotch, And i can block my crotch so they kick my shin ....Still hurts
  11. Yea, Yer right by that, Anyway, guess what My first class along with the fight is being postponed, Aparently i still need shin gaurds, So it wont be till next week.....Whatever, I can wait
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