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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Hello, welcome to KF! I think that it is very interesting that you have decided to carry on your training in the way you have. It is great that you have a partner to work with, as you can bounce ideas off one another, and get immediate feedback. Keep plugging away, and maybe you will find another school that interests you eventually. Remember, keep an open mind, and check out other styles as well. They may have quite a bit to offer you.
  2. What I like the most about solo forms workouts is that you can do so much with it. You can do one form at a time, with full speed and power. Or, you can do three at a time, with a little less mustard on them, and get cardio going. Or, you can do a form very slowly, with muscle tension, really gritting your teeth with each movement. There are so many options, and you can listen to your body, and practice accordingly.
  3. I think that the idea of doing that study is a good one, AikiGuy. I think that it would provide us with some interesting results.
  4. I think it is cool that you are checking out gyms, and reporting them here as to what you think. Keep it going, and let us know what else you turn up!
  5. Although it is not the UFC, and it may have trouble competing with boxing, I think that it can still carve out it's own little nitch in the world of MA competition. When Mr. Norris set it up, he designed the rules to make the action fast-paced and really upbeat. Since it is designed to get rid of stalling, this is the advantage that it has over MMA, and even boxing, to an extent. What is nice about it is that just about any stand up style can be represented on it. Karate, traditional TKDists, Olympic TKDists, kempo fighters; just about anyone can get into it, if they are willing to put in the time and training. One of my instructor's good friends was a professional kickboxer, and he got into the WCL competition in Atlanta, and did well. The city vs. city set-up is kind of nice, too.
  6. That was great! Thanks for the laugh, Sohan!
  7. I don't know about everyone else, but I think that Division IA needs a playoff tournament to prove who the champ is. Congrats to Florida, but the last time I checked, the only undefeated team left is Boise State. What about them?
  8. Although the facilities may leave a little to be desired, you may want to give it a try. If the instructor is friendly, that may transfer to his training as well.
  9. I have been wondering...what is an ectomorph?
  10. Happy birthday, Heidi! I am 29 today as well! Although I can hardly enjoy it...I am one sick puppy.
  11. I see the generalizations that you are making, AikiGuy. However, I just don't feel that it is safe to make those generalizations. If you just take two people, and make these generalizations based on size, there is no real way to know you are right until you see them perform. Take a guy that is 5'5", and weighs 130 pounds. Now, put him next to a guy who is 6'4", and weighs 230 pounds. Based on your generalizations, the small guy is faster. Now, let's tweak the scenario. The small guy is doesn't do any physical activity at all. His days are filled with reading and watching the TV. He does not train in anything. Now the big guy, he is a high school athlete. Let's say basketball and football are his sports of choice. Are you willing to assume that the big guy is still going to be slower than the little guy? Will the little guy be able to out-maneuver the big guy? This is the point that I am making. You won't really know until you see what they can do.
  12. Hey, you know me. Always willing to help!
  13. General, overall flexibility is important to help prevent injuries like muscle strains and tears. The better the range of motion is in a joint, then the more you can do with it. Flexibile muscles are also relaxed muscles. This, in turn, can help with some speed. Now, as far as being able to do the splits, this is not entirely necessary. However, if you can kick high and accurate, then your low kicks will be accurate as well. Just about every professional athlete does some kind of stretching routine that is specific to their activity. This is what is most important when it comes to stretching. You want to do the routine that corresponds the most to what you do, activity wise. This is referred to as specificity.
  14. I am hoping that I can be one of the guys around that doesn't fall apart as well. I want so bad to keep on going.
  15. I agree with you here. I don't think I could respect a teacher like that.
  16. I wonder if they would stop selling Starbucks after the third quarter???
  17. Got it under 7 my last try, but it was rough. 6:57. The body is capable of so much more than we think it is. With respect, Sohan Man, that's awesome. Keep on truckin'!
  18. Wow. That's terrible. Was she ok?
  19. I agree with you here. I think it is important to cross-train in other methods, even if they are not relevant to your practice. The reason being is that sometimes, you just have to shake things up so your body doesn't get too used to doing the same old routine. It also makes it more fun for you.
  20. I'm not sure. There are some big tournaments, but I don't know if there are seminars quite this big, though.
  21. That's a good question as well. Maybe he is really good, but its just his methods are bad?
  22. I may get in touch...! If I ever get to go, I'll hold up a big sign that says "bushido_man96".
  23. This guy is so far over the line he can't even see the line no more. The line is a dot to him! (joey from Friends). This isn't normal no more. He could get arrested for it I think..? Tom In the U.S., he probably would be arrested. In other countries, I am not sure if a school like this would fall under normal laws, or be self-regulated. What country does he teach in, I wonder?
  24. That is great stuff, Doug. It's cool to see that kind of cross training going on.
  25. I have yet to try it out. Wednesday is conditioning day, so we shall see.
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