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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Good catch!
  2. Here is link to a site with some pictures: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18551775/ As for finding stories, that doesn't seem to be difficult at this point.
  3. That is awesome!
  4. Excellent information. Thank you for sharing this.
  5. 5-8-07 Back/Biceps/Shoulders: Assisted pull-ups: plate 14x10, plate 13x10, plate 13x10 Back Hyperextensions: 20, 20, 10 Dumbbell power clean and jerk: 40x10, 50x6...these wear me out! Abs: Roman chair sit-ups: 20, 20, 10 Trunk twists: holding 45 lb. plate: 3x20 Conditioning: I did a forms routine to condition a little, and to review for my (hopefully) upcoming test. I did a low rank form, followed by an advanced form, and then followed by the one-steps for the low rank form in that set. Then, I would rest a little. I did this a total of 6 times, doing 12 forms total, and the one steps. Then, I stretched out, doing splits, left and right, then seated, forward, left and right. Stretched both legs forward, grabbing feet. I also stretched my arms, across the body and behind the head. Each stretch was done for 20 - 30 seconds each, twice each.
  6. When you do any kind of body conditioning/toughening training, the key is to do it gradually. You may not want to start out with 200 strikes per hand right away. If you hurt yourself during the conditioning process, then you should let it heal, and then continue again, gradually. Take your time. It won't come all at once.
  7. Everyone is going to be a little bit different. Some can kick high right out of the box, and some will have to warm up first. Most likely in self-defense, you should't have to kick much above waist level. As for your training, if you don't do any current partner stretching routines, then you could start doing those. They may help you reach a new level in your flexibility.
  8. Good post, ps1. That answers a couple of questions. I knew that weight lifting caused a rise in blood pressure as well. I had also heard that people who would squat-lift with really heavy weights could end up with hemroids, but I don't know if that can be really justified or not.
  9. I can see what you are saying, but do you really want to scrap in bare feet? If your opponent is smart, he may just try to stomp on your bare feet.
  10. I stretch, breath, thinking conciously reaching for more to make my kicks soar
  11. As for the grip, I would put your right hand on top. As for training, look into finding a school, or do research in books or on the internet. Remember, keep the moves simple and efficient. There isn't a whole lot of flash to sword play.
  12. Hey bushidoman, kimbo was a convict . I have readen he gained skills in prison fights . So , you may meet some guy like him at work That may be. That is why we are issued pepper spray and tasers.
  13. 5-7-07 Chest/triceps: Bench press: 195x8, 205x6, 215x4 Triceps push-down: 90x10, 105x6, 105x6 Overhead triceps push-out: 50x10, 70x10, 80x10 Dumbbell triceps press: 30x6, 25x10, 25x8 Abs: Roman chair sit-ups: 2x20 Side raises: 3x25x25 lbs. Conditioning: Back leg round kicks: 10 each leg Front leg side kicks: 10 each leg Jump rope: 3x1 min. On the first set, I didn't mess up once! Stairs: 3x45 sec, 1 min. rest. One-leg hop up stairs: 3x10 hops with each leg. Combat Hapkido from 3:40 - 5:00; did some focus mitt work, and also did some random sceanrio type training, at around 1/2 speed, with resistance. Taught Orientation from 5:30 - 6:00. Traditional Class from 6:00 - 7:00. Class felt good. The knees hurt to start out, but I was able to get the kicks up again. During sparring, we worked on jamming the opponent. I focused on keeping my guard up, and punching. I also had a good stretch out during the class. I worked the splits, middle, left and right, and then worked them seated. About 30 seconds on each stretch x2.
  14. That is something I never liked about judges sitting in the corners. The action moves, but they don't, making it difficult to see everything that goes on.
  15. That is very interesting. I had never heard anything like that before, though.
  16. I have only just begun working with takedowns, and I don't work much from the clinch (which I should). What I have preferred up to this point, is keeping upright as much as possible, and working a trip while stepping-driving through the opponent. What is this position? Could you elaborate a bit more for me? I am interested, since my experience in this area is very limited. Thanks in advance.
  17. European knights also trained in hand-to-hand combat. They were well-versed in coming to grips with an opponent, if need be, and new just as much about manipulating an opponent, and using leverage against them. This is another common assumption when it comes to the katana/long sword comparison. The long sword of the European knight was just as easy to handle, well-balanced, and easily controllable. The noticible differences are in the curvature of the katana, and the fact that the katana only had one edge.
  18. As far as avoiding certain dress options go, I am kind of with you on the flip-flops. I do have a pair, but I only wear them if I know I am only going to have them on for a short period of time. A quick trip to the store, or too and from TKD class, etc. If I am going to be out and about for any length of time, I wear shoes. I also avoid tight clothing. It restricts my movement, and I just can't stand it.
  19. I saw a spot on SportsCenter on this new thing in the UK. Apparently, you play 2 minutes of chess, and then box for 2 minutes, and then back to the chess board. A winner is declared by checkmate or knockout, whichever comes first. What do you guys think of this?
  20. Best of luck to you, Kez! However, I think that you will do well, anyways! Just keep on training. Maybe add another night of training, if you are really wanting to step it up. Keep sharp on all of your material, and you should do well.
  21. The small town of Greensburg, KS got all but demolished by a tornado this weekend. It was reported that the tornado was over a mile wide, and the thing hung out on the ground for quite a while...longer than the average tornado. So far, there has been 8 reported fatalities. Greensburg is small, only 1200 people, but over 95% of the town was destroyed. I wish them the best, and send my thoughts and prayers out to them.
  22. You sound like me!
  23. Yep, the movie is coming out. Jet Li just did his last "Martial Arts Epic." This is to be more of a family movie, for kids.
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