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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. That is true. If knockout is legal, it should be considered.
  2. I would take your questions to your instructor. You have a right to ask what the deal is. Ask politely, but be sure he gives you a straight answer. He may be testing you...who knows?
  3. I agree with Zanshin. I appreciate your training goals, and understand them completely. However, there may be a Karate school out there that might suit your needs.
  4. What target areas did you attack when using them? What kind of set ups did you use, and what were the results?
  5. I could not agree more. Very well worded.
  6. Why did this happen? If you don't mind me asking.
  7. 3rd Dan, receive Instructor Certification. 4th Dan, title of Jr. Master. 5th Dan, title of Master...must also be teaching to be eligible to test for this rank.
  8. Welcome to the Forums!
  9. What holding the lighter does is allow you to create a tighter packed fist, because of the action of squeezing and holding the object. It also creates a more dense fist, enhancing the strike. Hand=chicken bones Head=stone bones Not many people are going to be cracking skulls with their fists.
  10. In all of the instances that I have dealt with so far, I have found out that I would rather the situation just start abruptly without warning, as opposed to being faced with someone who is yelling and threatening, and building up the situation. That way, I don't have any time to "think" about the situation; I am just forced to react.
  11. Well, you could stay out of bars. Otherwise, this is just something you are going to have to work your way around. Even if you do get into the Martial Arts, people may still treat you the same way. It is more of a matter of keeping yourself out of situations like that.
  12. Jumping attacks have one problem: you are committed when you throw them. If someone side steps them or defends them well, you are left hanging, and then you can be royally screwed.
  13. That is great! I am happy for you. It looks like that school offers quite the eclectic mix as well.
  14. This was my thought as well. I don't see how breathing out through the mouth is different than breathing out through the nose. Try this: kiaing or kihaping while breathing out through the nose... I think they call that "blowing your nose." That would be a little unsightly in the middle of kata LOL! I have actually seen people do this during gradings, and when they were supposed to kiai as well! Agreed! I have enough problems with spittle exiting my mouth when just exhaling, let alone kihaping at times!
  15. Best of luck to you, ps1! I am sure you will do great.
  16. Those are some good points, MMA_Jim. I can see pros and cons of both.
  17. On another note, I really think that there can only be so many subtle differences in schools of swordsmanship. In fact, I would be willing to bet that the major differences lie in schools of thought and philosophy, as opposed to major technical differences. There are only so many angles to cut someone from.
  18. I could not get the website to come up. Two things: 1. Do the Gracies admit that this fellow defeated one of them in a challenge? 2. What is the significance of using a long-sword to spar against a katana?
  19. I have some updates, here, A_train. I will be back on it shortly, too.
  20. Yeah, like I said, we are just a county jail. Our city population here is around 20,000 when college is in session.
  21. I don't think so. It doesn't alter things that much.
  22. You also need to have them spar you or approach you in such a way that mimics an attack; not a sparring match. There is a difference. Start by having him push you from behind, or something like that. See what that does for you.
  23. Oh no, no offense taken. It is a good discussion. I just kind of compare it to getting a college degree. Look at it as being a mechanic. Now, there are those mechanics who are ASE certified, and then there are the "shade tree" mechanics. Most shade tree mechanics won't falsely present themselves as being ASE certified if they are not. However, that doesn't mean that they don't know what they are doing, or are not capable of doing what the certified mechanic can do. It is just the fact that they have not gone through the procedures and tests to become certified. Its the same thing. I think that Tank Abbot is a great Martial Artist; however, I don't think that he is a black belt, nor do I think he considers himself such (and he probably doesn't care, either). There is my pitch!
  24. I think it is similar to paying for a monthly gym membership, really. About the same thing.
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