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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. That's pretty cool.
  2. I can see Downy as Holmes. Should be a good role for him. Can he speak with an English accent, though?
  3. You had better show up at court, for sure. Like tallgeese said, there is always the chance that the officer won't show up; that would help you. My advice, is to slow down.
  4. Yeah, I heard that SF4 was coming, and staying 2D. I thought that was kind of cool. I would still play it. I have been seeing at Wal-Mart lately all of the old 2D compilations coming out; Art of Fighting pack with like 3 of them, the World Heroes, etc. They would be a blast to have.
  5. That sounds like a cool idea to me; the Graceland of the Martial Arts.
  6. I remember when the Special Champion Edition came out for the Genesis (which was essentially Turbo for the Sega, and then Sega initiated its 6-button controller). I loved it.
  7. Thanks for the tips, tallgeese. I like those. I have a few questions: Is this a round kick to the upper leg, Thai style? Do you wear something to use as a mitt for this, and the above technique?
  8. I was taking Omeprazole as well. Now that I am off my prednisone, though, I find I don't need to take it. It did work well, but I was supposed to take it a half hour before eating; the only problem with that is a lot of the times I didn't know exactly when I would be eating.
  9. I have several of the Best Karate series, and I do like them. Granted, I am not an experienced Shotokan Karateka, but from what I have read in them, I find them fairly well put together. I would be interested in picking up Karate-Do Kyohan. Although I don't always agree with Funakoshi's philosophical outlooks on the Martial Arts, I would still like to read his works.
  10. Very well said, Cross. My DT partner and I have discussed these things at length; he likes to use the statement that you have to have somewhere to train it from. Then, we take it from the "wrist grab" and into more applicable ideas. It gives us a controlled starting point. So, we begin out of context, but work it into context.
  11. No big deal; everything seems to be in order.
  12. Hehehe....I know what you are talking about....needless to say, not many of the officers around here miss their court dates...
  13. Thanks. That is what I thought was right, but wanted to check with someone who works mitts more regularly than I do. The ICHF sets up some strikes as part of the curriuclum of each rank. Yellow belt has vertical punch (jab and cross), hammer fist, and back fist. I have come up with some mitt drills to work these techniques in combination, for when I ever get to teach a class for it. Orange belt introduces uppercut and hook. Later belts bring in palm strikes and elbows. There are kicks in each as well, but they are stressed to be kept as low-line kicks for distraction purposes. I don't like the word distraction, though; I prefer the idea of debilitate or diminish the fighter.
  14. That is true, tallgeese. And if you don't show up, then you usually get a bench warrant issued for Failure to Appear; then, you get arrested.
  15. Thanks for that, tallgeese. I appreciate it. When you work a jab/cross combo, do you throw each punch to the opposite pad, like right jab to mitt holder's right mitt? That is how I have done it in the past, to get good rotation and hip into the technique, and to get the feet into it.
  16. Welcome back. Good to see you again.
  17. Well, you can try to hire a lawyer, but if your guilty, your guilty. I am not sure what you have that can go against the officer, but a lawyer will help you. In the end, though, you may end up paying the tickets, and the lawyer.
  18. Don't you think you might need 2?....
  19. Pretty cool. Bionic Commando was a great game. ExciteBike was fun, too.
  20. I think that early on, rank and awards are important to people. We all learn that eventually, it doesn't seem to matter as much. In the end, what is important is that if you are going to award rank, make sure that you are valid in doing so, that way, no one can question the validity of what she achieves.
  21. What is everyones favorite 3D fighter? I go with the Tekken series.
  22. My knees bother me, too. I have never injured them, but they are beginning to wear out. I take gluecosimine/chondroitent, and it helps some, but whenever I do too much with them, they scream at me. Sometimes I take some ibuprofen to help, but I think mainly I just need to lose some weight.
  23. Yes, I agree. I was having some bouts with heartburn a while back as well, but it was partially caused by some medicine I was taking. I got some pills to counter it, but it seemed like they kept me from burbing, so I felt kind of bloated at times. I have been good for a while now, though. The pills worked, but I didn't care for them. I hope your's gets better, Kez. You could try some Pepto Bismol. That might coat your stomach, too.
  24. 7-8-08 Legs Leg extensions: 85x10, 15 Leg curls: 85x20 Combat Hapkido: 10:00 - 11:00. We opened up by working on some mitt work. I like doing mitt work, and we did some easy jab, cross, and some uppercut and hook drills. For curriculum, we just did the Red Belt stuff. What kind of mitt drills do you do, tallgeese? TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00. All black belts tonight, so we reviewed several of the forms and our Do-Kangs. This got a good sweat going. Towards the end of class, we worked a bit on some self-defense stuff. Also had 20 minute walk with the family tonight.
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