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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Welcome to the Forums!
  2. Stick Fighting Masaaki Hatsumi, Quinton Chambers
  3. So it is the victim's duty to flee? What if I am attacked in a place at which I have every right to be, and I do not want to leave? Flight may be an option, and it may be the best option, but to suggest that it is an obligation is to forget who started the fight in the first place. You initially asked about the virtue of a proportioned response, and that virtue is in self-control; however, I would still be far from my Nicomachean mean if I were to run when I believed that I could stand. There is vice in excessive violence, but there is also virtue in a just fight. What one views as virtue and what the law view as battery might be the same, so be careful. Now, with that said, you don't necessarily have to run away. But, if you have neutralized the threat, then you need to desist. You don't have to leave, but you need to stop pressing the attack. If you want to stay, and risk being attacked again, then its a risk you have to consider. Something to think about, too.
  4. I've never had that many in one setting. Wow. I would make sure to bring some assistants along, and make sure that they are on the same page as you are.
  5. If you try to resist the power of the punch when it hits the bag, it could be causing the soreness to be more noticible. Maybe relax that arm a bit upon impact, and let it recoil some more.
  6. 10-3-09 Push-ups: 3x10, short breaks Crunches: 30 Knee to opposite elbow crunches: 10 each side 10-5-09 Finally trying to get back on track at the gym. Jog: 1/4 mile Lunges: 20 each leg Squats: 20 1/2 squats: 20 Repeated 3 times. Stretch legs for 5 minutes. Chest/ab superset Bench press: 205x5 Push-ups: 25, had to stop a few times Crunches: 30 Reverse crunches: 30 Double crunches: 20 Bench press: 205x5 Push-ups: 10...and then that was all I had. Stretch upper body for 5 minutes. BOB work Round kick: 2x10 each leg, head level Spin hook kick: 2x10 each leg, head level Front thrust kick: 2x10 each leg, solarplexus level Evening Push-ups: 20, 15, 15
  7. I'm not very big on the frayed look, I guess. None of my belts have frayed yet, either.
  8. Just go to class, and work out. If he sees that you have enough experience, he might double grade you. If he doesn't, then just go on; you might be more rusty than you thought.
  9. If not having a changing room is an issue, at least take a t-shirt, and change it in a bathroom or in the car after class.
  10. You might see if there are any Filipino styles around. They usually consist of hand-stick-knife training, and it all tends to overlap very well.
  11. I agree. Striking before applying any joint manipulation, or striking as you acquire the lock, is a good way to facilitate the success level of using such a technique. If instructors allow resistance in drills with joint locks, it is quickly realized just how tough they can be to pull off. Striking can help take the grabber's mind off the grab, weaken the grip, and occupy them in defense while the defender can then work on getting away.
  12. I think that there are different ways to look at what is "hard core" and what is not. Some will think of it as the body conditioning type of training, with full contact, padless sparring. Others will think of it as lots of traditional line training in basics and forms, with lots of attention paid to technical ability. Sparring will likely be invovled as well, but it may not be the "blood and guts" style of sparring. Both have their merits, and both can offer good training. I'm sure that there are many more ways of training that can fall into the mold of good training, as well. So, it is important as a student, to decide what you want your training to be like, and seek the instructor/school that offers it.
  13. I think that by training extensively, then yes, it is possible to reach that kind of level. And if you feel confident enough in your abilities so that you don't need to use them, then that's fantastic. However, at times, some people don't have the luxury of taking that option, and therefore, must fight in some form or another.
  14. Hehe, isn't that the truth?! Now, I hope soon to start living vicariously through the Martial exploits of my children...
  15. This is something that I think can be hard to control at the student level. If students want to date, who am I to stop them from doing so? I might warn them about what can happen should they part ways, especially if it is rough, but, that's life. People come into your life, and people will come out of it; it happens to all of us. And if someone develops feelings for another along the way, then why try to get into the middle of it? Now, when it comes to instructor/student relationships, I think you have to approach it differently. I still don't feel inclined to be the one to tell my instructors who they can and cannot go out with, but I think that intentions have to be realized. I would not like the idea of any instructor, chief or assistant, using the student base to add tallies to their score, so to speak. But if the intentions don't appear to be that way, then I wouldn't have a problem with it. Chief instructors, I would expect to hold to a level of professionalism that they would not date from within their school. But then again, a chief instructor may meet that special person, and if this is the case, then proceeding with caution is the way to go. Now, with all that said, I will also add that I did meet my wife at the TKD school...
  16. They split a pair in an away game this week, winning one big, and losing one big. But, she said she had some really good hits, and the team played well. Unfortunately, I couldn't go watch, because it was a long drive away. I was glad she did well, though.
  17. Brian, I just hope that the Chiefs have a better 2009 than they did in 2008: 2-14, but, hey, at least they had 2 Pro-Bowlers in 2008! Yeah, but one of our pro-bowlers is now an Atlanta Falcon. I'm hoping we get a win here soon...
  18. 10-2-09 Aikido: 3:45 - 4:30. Worked on Shihonage again, and did some rolling work.
  19. Ah, that explains that, then. Thanks for the clarification.
  20. It sounds like you enjoyed your class. Keep us posted on how it goes.
  21. I think that some of that training does have merit. But, there are different ways to approach it, and everyone has ideas of how to approach it. I think I'd rather take my hits in sparring, as opposed to standing and getting hit, but, if done with a responsible training partner, it could be productive. I'm also kind of impressed to see a spinning hook kick done by the white belts. I think I'll bookmark those vids, too, because I see some things I think I'd like to work with. Thanks for sharing them.
  22. There are some good points being made here, but we could also discuss the loss of stability from jumping and kicking, as well...it makes just the heel coming off the ground appear less suspect.
  23. Oh, ok. Its cool. I was just confused...
  24. Can't help you on either of these. The only TKD forms I have been familiar with are the Palgwes, Chang on, Tae Gueks, and the ATA forms. Perhaps those were some of the early forms that Gen. Choi taught before he began instituting his Chang on system?
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