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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I do agree that strength training can be a boon to any physical endeavor.
  2. I think that I've seen that you can use one step above the use of force ladder, but I'm not for certain right now. I'd have to look into it some, to for sure.
  3. Having your hands up in a fence position is a good place to start. Stand with a foot slightly back, with your strong side back a bit, if you prefer. But, you've got a good start with your opening post. Try to difuse, and just get away. No shame in that.
  4. What I do from time to time, Bob, is go to sherdog.com, and punch in the fighters' names in the fighter search. Find the guy, see what he kind of does and doesn't do, check his record, and how he tends to win. Then, I'll compare him to the guy he is fighting. This helps when I don't recognize names, and seems to help me at times. Just an idea.
  5. Thanks, Bob. It was great to see back to back wins, and one at home for a change! I hope they keep rolling.
  6. I hope everyone had a good holiday! I know that I did. Thanksgiving meal number 2 coming up on Saturday!
  7. 11-26-09 ATA white belt form and one-steps, 2 times each. Push-up and row: 2 sets, 20 push-ups, 20 lbs on the rows. Upright dumbell rows: 20x15x2 Dumbell biceps curls: 20x10x2 Triceps press: 20x20x2 11-27-09 Squats: 10, 20, 20 ATA white belt form and one-steps: 2 times each Squats: 30, 15 Front kicks: 10 each leg, not setting down between kicks.
  8. Being in Korea, there out to be a Taekwondo school around somewhere. You could also look to Kuk Sool Won, or Yudo. Good luck in your search, and welcome to KF.
  9. I think it would be a good time, but probably won't happen in my lifetime. If you get to go, enjoy!
  10. Each individual year can be viewed as a short-term goal. That was the point I was trying to make.
  11. Tony: good points there. Solid, and I like that outlook. Glock: yeah, I've been there. Sometimes, I still feel like I am there. BB of C: I know that feeling, too. There are times when all those snowflakes show up at once, and I am standing in a blizzard!
  12. Sure, when he becomes a black belt. That's the deal right now, is waiting for him to become eligible. We have a class tomorrow, so I'm hoping there is some more news. They have been working on hashing something out.
  13. Welcome to KF.
  14. Now, to me, the answer to that question is that I start to figure out what it is an older person can do and use to keep himself or herself safe, as far as self-defense goes.
  15. But look at the school years. K through 12. Those are short-term in comparison to the whole.
  16. I think that you've got a nice list to start with. But some things people have, some people can get, and others are tough to train. The gift of speed is something that can be a boon to a fighter. Bruce Lee is a prime example. But, something that Bruce also had, that more people can have, is his hard work ethic. That guy was a genetically gifted human being, but he complemented it with a fierce drive (or obsession, maybe?) to be better the next day than he was the day before. So, I would have to put the desire to work hard close to the top of the list.
  17. I have always been involved in scheduled testings, accept for my Hapkido now. They work well; if I'm not ready, I don't test. But, these Aikido testings are merely a judgement of current levels of performance. It also helps that there are no testing fees. tallgeese: Yes, I'm hoping for some training on the side, and I think it is a good possibility. It just won't count toward time in rank and whatnot, which is ok with me. Bob: The club members themselves have made contact with the Association, and at class last night, there were statements made to the effect that something may get figured out. DWx: Our highest rank is a 2nd or 1st kyu, so in time, he may be able to take over instruction.
  18. I think that the Samurai code of Bushido is one of those things in Martial Arts that tends to be a product of romanticization more than anything else.
  19. By cross-training, I think one can aquire that skill, to a certain degree. It may not be expert skill, but it can be enough to accomplish a goal.
  20. There's something to be said about humble and level-headed application of Martial Skill. Look at Mike Tyson, for example... That guy could have used some "character building" early in his boxing training. Instead, his trainers armed an already powerful individual, with the skill to level most other human beings with one blow. Look where it got him -- broke, beat up and incarcerated. Now add the skillset most MAs train with -- kicks, elbows, jointlocks, throws, etc... Making sure the head is firmly attached should, rightly, be part of the MA equation IMHO. I see what you are saying here, mr_obvious, but I think what it boils down to is people will find what they want, if they are driven enough. There is a misconception that every Martial Artist out there is or should be a 'good guy.' Its a nice thought, but just not realistic. Even if they didn't learn it in a structured training environment, they would likely learn it some other way. Its like trying to instigate harsher gun laws to stop gun crime. The point is, the criminal is going to have or get the gun, no matter the law. It just makes it tougher on those of us who feel obligated to follow the rules. The good guys just suffer for it in the end, because we aren't likely to be on a level playing field.
  21. Ah, ok. Yes, we do work those in. We basically work into a position in which we would cuff a person from, and that is how we would end the technique.
  22. No, not necessarily. I think that many of us study the Martial Arts with the idea of never having to use it for that purpose. Then there are those who know they will use it as such, and study accordingly. Look at it this way....being a trap shooter doesn't make you a sniper. But, it does mean you can shoot.
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