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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I disagree. Weapons and their techniques, at least in my system, are an extension of the empty hand techniques. Competency is needed in the karate aspect prior to learned the kobudo aspects. I've seen other systems where kobudo and the empty-hand are separate entities. I don't think bo techniques would be terribly reliant on the empty hand techniques of any style, and could therefore be learned alongside without any major setbacks.
  2. Way to go! Congrats!
  3. That's good advise from tallgeese. Can't beat that. My advise would to be not to get too nervous in dealing with people, and in the training in general. I got myself way too worked up over some things I didn't really need to. When it comes to the job, you'll be learning as you go. Although academy can prepare you for the basics, when you get done with that, the department will train you up on all their protocol, policies, and procedures. These will be your bread and butter for when it comes to dealing with matters on a daily basis. They will be the cover your butt things to keep in mind. Above all, use common sense, and things will be all good for you. One other thing I would offer is don't get complacent.
  4. Something an LEO and former Marine was telling me he learned a time ago was not only breaking that finger, but also maintaining a hold of said broken finger. That would be very nasty, I think. And I never thought of breaking a finger, and then keeping a hold of it. I just always thought, "break and let go." Holding on to it just makes so much more sense to me now!
  5. I'd like to have a few kicking shields, some hand targets, a Wavemaster freestanding bag, and just floor space. Mats and what not can come later, as time goes by, and money increases.
  6. 12/16/2011 Deffley 3x5C Squats: warmup: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 245x2; work: 275x5, 285x5, 295x3, 315x1 Overhead press: warmup: 45x5, 75x5, 95x3, 115x2; work: 145x3x5 Glute-ham raises: 2x5 12/19/2011 Deffley 3x5A Squats: warmup: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 245x2; work: 305x3x5 Bench press: warmup: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x2; work: 225x3x5 Barbell rows: warmup: 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 135x2; work: 160x3x5 Seated good-mornings: 115x3x12 Hip thrusts: 3x10 My hip flexors are screaming at me right now. They don't like me very much. But I just tell them to get over it.
  7. Squats and glute-ham raises are killers on the ole legs. Love them heavy squats!
  8. The technique comes with time, just like anything else. Really, its about swallowing ego, working with lighter weights until you get the technique is down, then adding heavier weights. Its got to be done progressively, just like any Martial Arts techniques are.
  9. My year old 6 son started Wrestling in November, and we took him to his first novice tournament over this last weekend, on Dec. 17. He had a good time! He won his first match, via pin, and lost his second match, via points. The second kid was working him pretty good, but he hung in there, and when the other kid was trying to pin him, he worked through it, and was able to hand with him. I was proud of how well he took the whole thing, and he was happy. They did a round robin setup, and he got 2nd place. He seems to have really taken to the practices pretty well, and seems to be enjoying himself. The practices have a good amount of coaches there to split amongst the kids, and they get worked pretty good. I'm hoping it holds his interest for some time.
  10. This is a very good question, i suggest that if you want to take things down a notch, just remind them every once in a while, don't be to proud to speak up. We have the same problem at our school, as tallgeese can attest to. It starts of friendly working slow and technical until someone lands a good one, then all bets are off. I've seen that happen before, and have been part of it before. That's when the instructor needs to step in, call "break!" and stop things for a bit. Discuss something about the matches. Another good way to slow things down is to make sparring with limitations, especially those things particular people are good at. This forces them to think of using other options, and controlling the pace of the match in a natural way.
  11. Didn't Nolan Ryan also do things like stick his hand into a bucket of sand as far as he could, and other things like that? The guy was an animal!
  12. Don't worry about your height/weight too much, they've got that all figured out for you already; their called weight classes. If you think you are too short for a particular weight class, after spending some time training, you can look into doing different things to make your weight. But to start out, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  13. Nothing wrong with being serious about it. In TKD class, we have to sometimes get on to the kids when they spar, because they get to laughing and giggling, then that leads to goofing, and then someone can get hurt. We tell them its ok to have fun, but not to be laughing while sparring.
  14. I've done shikko in Aikido class. I'm pretty decent at that. I can do without seiza, though.
  15. What I do think our jobs as MAists is to make sure we aren't advertising something we aren't selling. Not every school is selling self-defense, although it does appear in most school's itinerary. Teaching forms is not necessarily teaching self-defense. Its important that we as instructors are honest and upfront about what we actually cover in our classes, and what is not.
  16. The nice thing about the jigsaw mats is you can order them one or two at a time, to spread the cost out over time. But I've been on jigsaw mats; would they offer enough cushion for judo throwing?
  17. So it sounds like what you've done is ran a broomstick through the ring at the top of the bag where the chain is, and through the natural swinging of striking the bag, the stick moves around, forcing you to avoid it periodically. It sounds like a nice way to change up a heavy bag session, working in ducking and blocking, bobbing and weaving, etc.
  18. Its also a good way to get yourself knocked out. And then its even harder to defend yourself.
  19. So you learned the whole system all ready? How long did this take?
  20. Here were my goals. I feel I have made some progress with my form; perhaps less has been more in that area. When I do it, I feel more comfortable, and I've worked on individualizing the techniques some, so it all doesn't look so run together. As far as physicall, I feel stronger, and I owe that to the weight training regimen I've been doing since May. Not too, bad. Hopefully in 2012, I can start putting some more together.
  21. I hope that in 2012 I can test for my 4th dan. In order to do that, I need to get more consistent in practicing at home and making regular classes. I'll need to drag my butt off the couch and work on forms and one-steps, curriculum stuff, and also try to work myself up to spar better. I also hope to get my lifts up in the gym so that I can make 1000 lbs between bench, squat, and dead lift 1RMs.
  22. Marlins landed Mark Burhle, but then the Angels turn around and land Pujols and Wilson. Wow! The question is, how many good years does Pujols have left?
  23. Bob, I don't know that Crennell can fix much with the Chiefs right now. Unless he brings Willie Roaf and Will Shields out of retirement, that O-line is pretty hopeless. And unless he can do a Mr. Miyagi and heal Cassel, Moiaki, and Charles, I'm pretty sure we're still screwed.As far as the Packers go, I got a bad feeling about this one. If the Lions could score 40 on KC, then I think this will be, ugly, to say the least. KC's pass defense has been decent, but after the D spends more than a third of the time on the field, it doesn't matter how good they are when you give another team, especially one like the Packers, that many opportunities.
  24. I hated that movie. I'm not sure what I'd do, to be honest. Probably go crazy after a while, spinning my wheels like that.
  25. No way, man. I'd be flat out livid about this whole deal, and I would not condone it. I'm lucky that I have a wife who would be just about as livid, and she had a healthy amount of paranoia about things like this. That, and I have two younger boys to think of as well, not just a daughter. I'd have a sit-down with my daughter, where I would talk, she would listen, I'd talk more, she'd interrupt only to be silenced, and then continue listening. That may sound like an over-reacting father, but this situation just sounds bad from the beginning, and it would just have to be one of those times when my daughter would hate me. I hope you get something figured out with this. Keep your guard up, man.
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