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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. 12/7/2011 Deffley 5x5B Dead lift: warmup: 135x5, 175x5, 210x5; work: 315x3, 375x5x3 Push press: warmup: 45x5x2, 65x3, 85x2; work: 130x5x5 I think my goal of a 400 lb dead lift should be doable by the end of the year.
  2. Oh, I see. That's cool. Perhaps it will spread more now.
  3. Different Karate stylists tend to have varying opinions on what bunkai is, and how it is interpretted. There are books on the subject, as well as youtube videos; just search Karate Bunkai. Also, a fellow by the name of Iain Abernethy has a website you could take a look at, although is views on bunkai tend to be different than most others: http://shop.iainabernethy.com/acatalog/DVDs_UK.html?gclid=CPe0o4TD8awCFeQCQAodIXvWIg
  4. Interesting find here. The website doesn't really lend too much. I'd like to know more about what the founder did previously.
  5. I don't disagree. But, its coming to the point finding the jumping outer crescent kick is needed. I'm not saying it can't ever happen, but is surely rarer than the single leg takedown.
  6. 11/18/2011 Deffley 5x5C Squats: warmup: 45x5x2, 135x5, 205x3, 225x2; work: 290x3x5 Overhead press: warmup: 45x5x2, 70x5, 90x3, 100x2; work: 150x5,4,4,2,3 Seated goodmornings: 110x3x12 Hip thrusts: 3x8 Stretch: standing/kneeling quads, seated toe touches and back twists, chest/tris/bis. 11/28/2011 Deffley 5x5A Squats: warmup: 45x5, 135x5, 225x3, 245x2; work: 290x3x5 Bench press: warmup: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x2; work: 220x5x5 (deloaded) Barbell rows: warmup: 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 135x2; work: 155x5x5 Stretch: standing/kneeling quads, seiza, butterfly and glute stretch, reverse hurdler, front/twist/side kick bar stretch, toe touches, chest/tris/bis. 11/30/2011 Deffley 5x5B Dead lift: warmup: 135x5, 175x5, 210x5; work: 315x3, 370x5x3 Push press: warmup: 45x5x2, 65x3, 85x2; work: 125x5x5 I've set a goal for myself to hit a 1RM of 400lbs on dead lift by the end of the year. 12/6/2011 Forms Naifanchi x3 Yoo Sin x3
  7. I think its a good expression. I don't think overly out of place in the use of the word death, which some might kind of wonder about. But after all, this is the Martial Arts, and working hard in training pays off when the time comes.
  8. I don't think its an instructor's job to try to recruit everyone into learning self-defense. Its not a bad marketing ploy, though, and there is nothing wrong with trying to convince others of the value of a knowledge of self-defense. Some people would like to train anyone and everyone. Some only want to train those who want to train. Either is ok.
  9. Glad to see the robber finally got what-for. I tell students if someone asks for your money, give it to them. But, if you think things are starting to go bad, and being ordered to move or go elsewhere could lead to that, then kudos to him for staying aware and taking advantage of his training and the situation. Good guy wins. The way it should be.
  10. I think some of that may be true, to an extent. There are some out there who do challenge and tinker with the way the moves are done, experimenting and working different things. However, I think many times the student/instructor relationship is expected to be one of listen and do, and questions as to why either don't come to the fore, or are not addressed at all if they do. Hopefully, this isn't the norm any more.
  11. I would probably opt more for keeping it simple and effective as opposed to trying to pull of something flashy to try to impress an audience. And I've trained spin hook kicks to the extent that I feel comfortable doing them in sparring. I imagine if I'd "rocked" someone in self-defense, I'd probably look at that point to make an exit, or otherwise secure my safety.
  12. This is interesting. What exactly does this do for Taekyon? The article was fairly brief, and I'm unsure if this is only a Korean deal, or viewed worldwide?
  13. Very cool. Congrats to your students!
  14. I'd go with ninjanurse here. I guess it depends on if you want that national rank recognition, or if you need it for some competition or something. Either way, I'd say its your decision to make, not your friends. If they don't like it, see if you can discuss it with them to get their feelings as to why, and see if you can get them to understand why you are seeking to do it this way. In the end, perhaps you'll just agree to disagree.
  15. I think if someone is old enough to be seriously studying the MAs, then age, rank, etc shouldn't be a concern. Start a bo kata the same day they start white belt form. I don't think that weapons should be retained soley as "advanced studies" in the Martial Arts. Weapons and empty hand should merge seemlessly.
  16. JusticeZero makes lots of good points, so I can't add to much. The felt pen and T-shirt training is as good an idea as any to get a feel for what you can and shouldn't do with a knife. I won't fault you for carrying one; many people do, as it is a very useful tool. For many, that's all it ever really is. As for trying to find a kata to get comfortable with a knife goes....I wouldn't seek out a kata as my first choice. I'd try to find someone who know some Escrima/Arnis, or some other stick/knife based style, and train that way. You'll get into partner work, which is where you really learn how to use a weapon.
  17. So the Marlins have signed Jose Reyes today, and are still courting Pujols. Will they get him, too?
  18. Boy, after 4 desolate weeks, the Chiefs finally get a prayer answered, in the form of a hail mary pass, and finally get back in the win collum. Palko finally managed a game fairly well, but the offense still seem inept at times. Patrick, your Dolphins are starting to roll along nicely. I'm happy for you. It seems playing the Chiefs was a springboard for them after all. How is everyone else feeling about the season so far?
  19. Welcome to KF, Mark! Glad to have you.
  20. The mind and body can do amazing things. Really cool.
  21. 11/15/2011 TKD class: 6:00 - 7:00. Basics, stretch, forms, one-steps, sparring. I spaced out the time between techniques in my form a bit, and it felt much cleaner upon finishing. My instructor also gave me some pointers on some U-shaped punching and kicking sections in the form to clean it up a bit, and give a bit more power. 11/16/2011 Deffley 5x5B Dead lift: warmup: 135x5, 175x5, 210x5; work: 370x5x3 Push presses: warmup: 45x5x2, 65x3, 75x2; work: 120x5x5 11/17/2011 Range Night Qualification, with pistol, patrol rifle, and shotgun. Shot 50/50 with pistol (first perfect score ever!), 18/20 on rifle, and 10/10 with shotgun. Overall, a pretty good night. But any night spent throwing lead is a good night...
  22. JusticeZero and DWx both make valid points. When there are as many TKD schools out there as there are, there tend to be bad ones that slip through. Instuctors like to make money, and send out others that aren't ready to teach, and quality starts slipping. However, there are good ones out there, just like with any style. If you do your research, you can find the good ones. Thanks for the kind words, Bob. I appreciate them.
  23. Thanks, GS. I was hoping I wasn't getting too graphic with it.
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