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okinawian kenpo, krav maga
South Jersey
rob50's Achievements

Yellow Belt (2/10)
I don't know too much about nitric oxide. As far a protein it is a great supplement to take, espically for those lifting weights. (The only supplement that that I personally take is protien) During lifting muscles become fatigued. After becoming fatigued the muscles require protien to rebuild. There are many more scientific terms and other factors that paly into this (calorie intake, persons genitics, he goals of the individual) but the short of it is that the muscles require protien in order to grow. Muscles can grow with out supplements but meeting the protein /vitamin/calorie intake rquirement can be hard to meet eating regualar foods. Also eating all this food rasies other intake such as fat the can hinder some peoples diet. In some cases, it would be almost impossible to eat the requred amount to get what a few supplement could easily supply.
As patusai said Cretine swells you muscles with warter and can help some people during exsurtion. This is a safe substance to use and as long as the directions are followed and LOTS of water is consumed. Here is a link on the subject http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=19874 I don't think the water pill is necessary or will help. I really only hear of women taking them bout I do not know much on the subject other then the help shed excess water. In my opinion if you want to lose water weight just sweat it off, but this can be dangerous if you don't rehydrate because you may become dyhydrated. As far a nitrous oxide (if this is kind I think you are refurring to ) it is a way that people use to get high. People inhale the nitrous, and long story short , it cuts off oxygen to the brain. (I believe this is the correct explanation) The nitrous molecules are smaller thatn the blood cells and they (nitrous) travel directly to the brain cutting off blood flow. This give the "high" sensation but if too much is consumend it can suffocate the brain causing death. There are several way people inhale the nitrous but I'm not going to get into that. Needless to say this would not be benifitical in any way to your body or mind. others may have some furter info on these subjects>
I'd figured that I put this on any way, even though it is late. I study okinawian kenpo karate. My shihan and keoshi studied directly under Ono(i think I'm spelling his name wrong oops,) in Okinawia Japan
Here, this is a pretty decent description and it saves me from typing. http://www.all-karate.com/111/kenpo-karate
I wonder if you have to wear a kilt while doing kata? lol What part of scotland are you from? just wounder because my dad is from Glasgow.
hi there. I see that your from carlisile. I live in nj and come up to carlise once a year for that car show that is held there.
Hello every one. I'm new to the site and just wanted to introduce my self. I'm rob from Southern NJ. I just reached brown belt at my dojo which is Okka (Okinawa Kenpo Karate Academy) I am 23 and a student at Rowan unviversity. My major is law/justice and I am currently in the process of testing with several departments to become a police officer.
Armorofgod I would like the plans if you would mind sending them to me my e-mail is blueturbocoupe@yahoo.com Right now I have to keep haning my 100lb bag from a tree branch, which is a real work out in itself. lol I also like the bob because it lets you practice accuracy on a human form. I don't own own one but my dojo has 2 and they are pretty neat. However, the heavy bag is far superior escpically if is the first thing you are going to purchace, because they really take a beating. The wave master can come unglued from the stand as is the case with about 4 of them my dojo owns. I purchaced a everlast 100 lb bag about a year back I and it can stannd up to the elemnts if it is left out side The bob might be a good addition after already owing a heavybag but a heavybag gives enought versatitlity that you proabaly wont want to spenad the $ on a BOB. The only bad part of a heavy bag is they have to hang from a support.
cool, thanks for the info guys
Thanks for the repsponses. I really like the 5 element ones. They look like the could be also worn as an all purpose shoe such as at the gym or just as sneakers. Does any body know if these are durable for out of the dojo use also?
Also, like some of the other replies stated, you need to express your goals. If you want size cut down on cardio. If you want to be cut/ripped, increase cardio. I personally like a combo of both. All body types are diffrent so you'll need to find what works for you but having a single day for entire body weight lifting is not a good idea. The most body parts I would train in one day would be 2. And I would make them opposing body parts such as triceps/back one day, rest, bicepts/ chest another, rest etc. Or you could just do what I do and lift 5 days a week one body part with cardio before as this get your heart rate up as well as serving as a warm up for the lifting . This is also much faster so it eliminates having to be in the gym for 1 1/2 hours every other day.
I personally do 1 body part per day for 5 days out of a week(40 min workout). With a 10 min. warm up before hand. Then two days a week I have karate which usally suficces for my cardio. Occasonally I throw in a mile or so run.
Has anyone tried out the MA dojo shoes? If so what are they like and do you prefer bare foot or the shoes?