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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    ITF Taekwon-Do, Kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu, Boxing
  • Location
    Exeter, England
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Hypertrophy, Running
  • Occupation
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AdamFieldITFTKD's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. i have just recieved soem purpleheart nunchaku custom made and they feel so much nicer than the gold dragon chucks from the local MA shop I strongly reccomend custom equipment as then you can never blame the equipment!
  2. great post, helped a lot as punches aren/t concentrated on in my school so i'll practice using your points
  3. I wasm't enquiring about one grade boundary in particular i was just wondering what was involved in say a 3rd Dan grading is it just patterns and korean questions and perhaps sparring i just wanted to understand what my teacher has been through to become 5th Dan
  4. My proper teacher is 6th Dan but he is ill so we have been trained under a 3rd Dan black belt. The 3rd Dan is also 3rd Dan in kickboxing as well as TKD
  5. I am 5"10 but only weigh 9 1/2 stone (133lb) i want to widen out my shoulders and become more barrel chested At the moment i have a six pack and good biceps/triceps. I want to keep my legs as they are as i do alot of hill walking so they are strong combined with Taekwon-Do I am not sure how to gain weight whilst going for regular runs as i do. I will havwe access to a weights bench and weights in about a week, and speedball. Thanks, any questions post here and i will reply soon as adam
  6. Mr Humphries 1 dan (5"5) is one of the most refined fighters i have ever seen and he spars and wins with Mr Dowling 3 Dan (6"5) on a regular basis so i think that it is what you put in to the trainig not how you begin
  7. i pay £30 a month for 3 lessons a week i also got 1 month free training gradings are £23 Dobok was £30 i think that this is all quite cheap compared to what i hear some people are paying adam
  8. Ong Bak Kickboxer both are pretty amazing and inspirational to me
  9. one of the main things TKD doesn't teach is groundwork and seeing as most fights end up on the ground you should learn grappling or somethin like choke wrestling.
  10. The Sin wave is a technique used in ITF. Older oractitioners may know it as the hip flick or drawing the circle on the wall. The basic concept behind the Sin wave is that there are 3 levels - Low, Neutral and High The Sin wave starts when you get ready for the attack, say a middle section front punch, as you rise you bring the reaction hand back and start to prepare to execute the punch when you are at 'high' You then drop all your weight back into the neutral position whilst giving the punch. This is said to add power to the punch and should be mastered.
  11. high section snap kick or tornado kicks are highly effective in most non close situations i find
  12. my influence was seeing a martial arts display by a blue belt in a talent contest at my school. i was called up to participate and after that i wanted to learn how to protect myself and i attended the same dojang as him and now train with him. i was also very inspired by Jean Claude Van-Damme and Bruce Lee videos eg Kickboxer and Fists of Fury, Crouching Tiger
  13. in my school it should take 3 1/2 years providing you dont miss, fail or get a triangle pass on a grading. our gradings are held every 3 months but when you get to 4th kup it is 6 months between each grading
  14. in my school we train Bo staff and Nunchaku once a month. it is somehting that differs from school to school so you should definitely ask your instructor
  15. my favourite kick is the tornado kick
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