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Everything posted by Hidden_Ronin

  1. I doubt thied show, besides I don't think teaching scum like that how to fight would be a good idea.
  2. Ive a dilema id like to share with you all, and ask your advice on. The school I attend has been having a seriouse issue with "problem children". Chavs, rudies, rebels; call them what you will, they have a problem with themselves, and more importantly us 6th formers. Its manily the year nines (3rd year seniors) who seem to think thier some kind of gangsta, constantly using verbal and somtimes physical violence. Its not just a few of the kids, it the majority of the year group. Now the school I go to has a strict "No Nonsense" bullying policy, that is they say they do thier best to catch and punish anyone caughty bullying. This they do, but herein lies the first ironic situation. If a year nine provokes a 6th former with verbal or even physical violence, and the sixth former acts the defend himself in any way it is the 6th former who is punished, often ending in suspension and an ugly black mark on their record. The rule created to protect us is the thing stopping us from protecting ourselves. On top of this word has gotten out that I study karate, and thier are a few people who seem to be trying to goad me into a fight. The teachers are completly ignorant of my situation, so no help their, and I find myself being targeted because of the very thing I study to keep me safe. Im hoping to join the army soon and really don't need any "Prone to violent verbal and physical outburst" remarks on my record. On top of that I don't want to use what I know and risk getting turned out of my karate club or somthing stupid. Has anyone else been in this situation; targeted because they study martial arts, and how did/would they handle this current situation Arrigato in advance
  3. by sord I assume you mean sword. as for effecrive ways of using one, that would depend greatly on the sword. A katana handles different to a rapier, and a raper handles different to a Dao and a Dao handles different to a hand-and-A-half sword. Basics of swordsmanship is simple: hold the blunt end and swing the sharp end at your enemy. To be a good swordsman needs a good blend of balance, confidence and above all (IMO) foot-work. hope this helps
  4. I dislike GKR with a passion. Its because of McDojos like it that Karate has gained a reputation as not street effective. I know a GKR Shodan, and awhile back we decided to spar for a laugh. Now taking into consideration I was an 8th Kyu at the time i managed to get through her gaurd about three times before we called it a day. At the dojo I train in id be lucy to get through the gaurd of a 2nd Kyu, let alone a shodan. Thier Karate is weak and sloppy. They would have more chance in a street fight if they learn't how to sprint.
  5. I think so, yes. I saw a video of me practicing as a white belt alittle while ago, its definatly come along since then. its getting used to "Pushing" from the hips that takes awhile, but I guess it wouldn't be as kool if it was easy.
  6. I train at bromfords sports centre on a monday and David Lloyds on a wednesday night. Im the lanky one with red hair, lol. Say Hi so I know who you are for sure, although Im pretty sure you helped me learn Gyaku-Zuki one time.
  7. If someone studies Karate and then fails to defend themselves "on the street" (that is; outside the Dojo) Karate, or any other martial art, is not to blame, the Karate-ka is. Karate is a fighting system designed for hurting and defending people, and if trained and applied propperly it can do both very effectivly. The only move Ive used outside of training is a gidan-mae-geri, then I ran. Worked fine for me
  8. You are correct RG, I am a proud member of Tokon Kai and have been for a year now. Its a shame you had the flu, and I hope you get well soon, and I don't mean to put salt in the wound but you missed an amazing lesson. I still ache . Shihan himself said that practicing combinations without a resisting oponent limits thier street effectivness.
  9. Its not the mixture of styles that has gotten GKR its reputation, its the fact its a school created by a greedy pirate out to make money. The site claimes the martial art to be a "traditional Japanese Martial, founded in australia". What the hell? sounds like a contradiction to me. The fact that it teaches "Self defense" in a non contact enviroment also sounds implausable to me. You can't learn to swim without getting wet, or learn to ride a bike without riding a bike and you definatly can't learn to fight without practicing at at least medium contact.
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