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Everything posted by Hidden_Ronin
Would that not ring alarm bells. Surley any legitimate Martial arts instructor or art would welcome anyone to thier ryu or style. Even taking a synical aproach and look at the situation from a bussies P.O.V, It would make more sense to welcome all. The deeper I dig the more this "Martial art" seems like a cult. It makes me so angry to think about the untold damage they (GKR, not thier students) do to all the hard work put in by true martial artists. All it takes is for one brainwashed "GKR shodan" to get downed in a real fight, that is one that actually allows touching (Shock horror ), and suddenly Karate dosn't work. Makes me a tad irritated to say the least.
I suggested that, but it seems he completly brainwashed into beliveing that what hes taught works. He seems to think that "You get what you pay for" and that the Dojo I study at is inferior because it charges less. GKR also seems very Xeno-phobic. Apprently his Dojo does not allow other styles to train with them, and people who attemp other styles are evicted from the club. I plan to go along with him and say I have no martial arts exsperiance. That way I can at least see whats going on inside these fable GKR "dojos"
How would you go about helping someone break away from a certified McDojo (I won't name the style, I’m sure GKR gets enough of a bashing )? I recently met a person a few years younger than me through a friend. We agreed to do some light kumite as we all figured it would be good to branch out and fight different styles. We met down the park, warmed up, stretched and then padded up. I explained that we would not be "point-fighting" as I for one am not a massive fan of the whole point-stop-start format. He said he was fine with that as long as punches were pulled and their was no elbow or knee strikes. This was fine, so we faced off and bowed. During the "fight" I noticed he had extremely good technique, his foot work was good and he could land blows on target all the time. However I also noticed he made some extremely dangerous and sloppy mistakes which he explained to me later had been told were "Street effective". For example he used excessive high kicks, went for the body when my head was not covered and his guard was.....none existant to be honest, it was like he was chambering both fists simultaneously. Had it been a real fight, or had I been an actual aggressor he would have been in serious trouble. After that we had a rest, took in water and discussed good/bad points in each others technique. Now I want to point out that he is not bad at karate, it just seems that what he’s being taught isn't exactly pushing him to the limit. That is he could be a truly excellent Karate-ka, I’m sure, if he hadn't had these bad habits hammered into him. I in no way wish to make this person sound like they are bad at martial arts (who am I to judge anyway?) but some of the things he has been taught are ridiculous. The grab escapes and "ground-fighting" were what worried me. We were both worn out after third round of sparring, so decided to swap join-lock techniques, and he sounded eager to learn about some of the Gong-fu/Tai'ji Qaun I managed to pick up from a friend. I explained how I feel about such techniques: That they must be practiced with a partner who isn't trying to help you, that is a person who doesn’t let go of your wrist, lapel or neck just so you feel that the technique dose work. He said he was fine with that but wanted me to go first. I showed him some of the Gong-fu/Tai’jiQuan techniques first, and then some of the applications for Heian Nidan. I figured that techniques were pretty generic within karate when it came hold escapes and wrist locks. It was his go, and he asked me to hold on and not let go, or comply in any way with his techniques. However some of the things he had been taught were rather silly. They could have worked, but he had not practiced them at speed because they were "dangerous". That makes sense, theirs no point practicing with someone if your going to snap their bones into dust (which I had to point out was very difficult as bones have a tensile strength equal to steel. Correct me if I’m wrong on that one, always found that amazing ). The thing that bugged me was that he thought that doing them at a slow pace was just as safe and effective. For example, one of wrist escapes went as follows: I held onto both of his wrists firmly. He freed his right from my left by twisting his right out hand out, and counter-grabbing mine. That wasn't too bad I guess, Id been taught that one myself, however what he did next was rather silly. He let go of my left hand, and began karate chopping my forearm. He tried this about five times before just standing and looking at me. I then explained that I had a free left hand, which would be pounding against his temple by now had he tried this against some snot nosed little hoody. I gave him some suggestions of how to improve the escape and showed him an Aikido escape from the same position. (No idea where I learned that one, but some quick google-fu later reveal it was in fact Aikido). I tried not to make to many criticisms about his techniques (It was open season on GKR however, as I detest that style). He then asked if I knew any takedowns or ground fighting. I told him how my ground game was none existent, and that my arsenal of takedowns was rather limiteda lso. He offered to show me some and I jumped at the opportunity. But when I asked him what else he learnt I almost said something rude. "What do you study aside from Karate? Judo? Ju-jutsu? Hapkido?" "no" he replied "They teach us this stuff at GKR. that’s what makes our style better than most traditional styles like Shotokan. I think that’s why it costs more as well." I didn't want to verbally rip him a new one, as for all I knew his ground game might have been better than mine. It wasn't. He attempted a hip throw, without the hips. Now lets be honest that’s never going to go to plan is it. The second technique was a "grab their wrist and throw them over the shoulder" job. He grabs my wrist, spun so his back was facing me and then tried to pull me over his shoulder. After this we again sat down and discussed each others techniques. I explained about using the hips in a "hip" throw, and that id never seen the other type of throw before. He assured me the technique worked, as his sensei had said so. I though it best to leave it at that. We did another half hour or so of sparring before we called it a day. Any who, what I want to know from you, oh wise forum members is: Was I wrong to show him that some of his techniques were in fact absolute tripe. I’m sure I didn't hurt his self esteem too much, and constantly told him he was a very capable martial artist, and that I meant no disrespect to him when I made jokes about GKR (and believe me, their were a few). He said it was fine, and thanked me for the compliments and extra techniques. Also, how can I convince him to drop GKR and take another style? Any style: Go-ju, Wado-ryu, Judo, gong-fu. Its got to be better than what they pedal at GKR. I was outraged to be honest. Not only do they teach poor karate for stupid prices thy also seem to have given into the popularity of MMA and are now teaching “ground fighting”! Isn't this dangerous, to teach techniques in an ineffective way and then assure the person that he safe against most attackers? Surely that’s like giving a soldier an empty rifle and assuring them its loaded. I really want to help him, even if he doesn’t join the Dojo were I train, because he could be such a good Karate-ka. Apparently if he joins another Dojo as well as GKR they will boot him out! Is that common practice? I though Martial arts were supposed to support each other, that they were about learning and understanding as much as fighting. Sorry about the long post, but I wanted thoughts and opinions. Kind regards Mike
One of the Kyokushin Dojo kun exsplains it for me. "We train out hearts and bodys, for a firm unshaking spirit" And also "Karate is an aide to Justic." If more people studied martial arts, wouldn't the world be a better place?
Only Adidas equioment allowed at all styles tournaments!
Hidden_Ronin replied to Gyak's topic in Karate
Just the thought of this being true is troubling. Another example of people perverting Karate to make it about profit instead of what it was developed for. -
Thanks for the replys Richard and everyone, Its to hear that people think like I do,Ill keep you all posted on the situation.
Yeah, i thought about talking to Sensei about it, but somthing stopped me, like the feeling i would be bugging him. Thier was an incident yesterday actully. It was in the library. Michelle (the girl whom i keep an eye on) was doing some homework so thier was little else for me to do but sit my backside and listen to my mp3 player. I kinda zone out when I do that, but somthing caught my eye mid track. These three kids, three of the scum I talk about, were laying into this one kid for now reason. He was threatening him, and hitting him. The one on his own caught the bullys arms and yanked it away, telling him to leave him alone. I asked the three, firmly, to leave him alone. I exsplained why i wasn't impressed by thier cowardice, and that they were weaklings for ganging up on somone. I got a mouthful of abuse from the most violent one. Fair enough, jokes about my hair colour arn't exactly new, i pressed the play button and listened to the rest of the track, also noting the librarbians were nowere in sight. Again the little kid begins pounding the one next to him, for no reason at all. I was watching. He didn;t say a word all lunch break. I admit it, i lost my temper. I was bullied all through senior scholl and it would be a very breezy day in hell before i sat thier and did nothing. I had tried the diplomatic approach, and i was annoyed that two people could jeer someone on to physically attack someone who has done absolutly nothing wrong. I dashed over to the most violent one, the one who had given me abuse earlier, and grabbed him by the back of the neck and forehead, pushing him sideways in his chair. I was so wound up that i screamed at him "If you don't top hitting him i swear ill beat you 100 times worse!" or somthing liek that. I let go and sat down again. The kid who had been bullying burst into tears. The one whod been acting hard actually began bawling his eyes out, claiming i almost broke his neck or somthing. His two mates then began giving me abuse, one threatened to dial 999 because "you know Karate and am thierfore dangerouse. how do I know you won't hit me. its an emergeny". his words, or words to that effect. after that all three left, I appologised to the librarian, who had shown up to late for the disurbance and paced the library to calm my nerves. after mr tough guy had dried his eyes and threatened to "cut my throat" of course. Apprently hes made a complaint, but he won't get an appology, not in a thousand years. If it makes me a bad person for acting on instict so be it, but as far as I can see three bullies got shown up for the snivelling cowards they are and thiers somone who knows hes not alone when it comes to facing up to this kind of behavior. Sorry if I rambled or sounded self rightouse, thought id share my plight with other martial artists Respectfully Mike
Just thought id tell you all how things are now. Sixth forms officially over for me, i only return to look after a disabled kid. The comments are thier, but not as bad now that some of the older kids have left. The younger cowards don;t seem as keen to pick a fight with a sixth former when its only the three of them. Name calling is ok to deal with, but now the challenges are gone things are less troubling. ive even had one of the first years hanging around with me for "protection". Looks like things turned out fine in the end, and no-one got anything more than a bruised ego. Its still worries me to think that thiers a new generation of cowards and weaklings waiting to pick fights they know they can win, and Ill be powerless to do anything about it come late July. All i can do is keep the staff informed, its not my place to start busting skulls. Some times we have to learn to defend ourselves. Like the Dojo Kun says "Karate is an aide to Justice"
As a 6th Kyu its hard for me to even imagine myself as a blackbelt. but when, and hopefully not if, I achive the grade I want to feel I have earned it. If I were to train solidly for 2 years, and then just be given the Shodan, id feel alittle cheated. Its would feel like running the a marathon, but catching a taxi the last 6 miles.
How would someone use a submission in a real fight. When practicing, or during a tornament people tap to show that they give in, but in a real fight; for example on with multiple attacker or a mugging, would you really let go and let them up. How much damage can you do to a limb before it is no longer self defense? Is the aim to cripple to limb, or are submissions simple used to hold people in place untill help arrives? Thats in advance A ju-jitsu begginer
I spoke to my Head of year, Suprise supirse she said "I am aware of the situation now, michael. You are doing the right thing by ignoring it and reporting them"..... No, really? In other words what that means to me is "I know whats happening, but im not going to do anything untill you cause one of them some damage." It probably sounds like im just moaning now, but I feel stuffed either way. If I do nothing thier hounding me, and if I move to defend myself or my friends im screwed. Ive already has to use on of the "kinder" techniques I know, a wrist escape. little * claimed I "wrenchd his arm". Considering I didn't know his next move I thought he got of lightly. I could have just have easily hit him with an emi. The annoying thing is if I report little things like this I just get the same staple answer. "Let me know who they are and Ill talk to them". Run and hide chavs, someones coming to talk to you....
I personally hate my Kiai. Its a deep HEER! , but I guess if its what comes natural then its okay. Is it actually possible to Kiai wrong?
Just typer Go Kan Ryu into google, that should tell anyone anything they need to know about McDojos.....
Don't mean to change the subject of the thread, but if your interested in Musashi Miyamoto then you should look out for "The book of five rings".
Chaotic good Elven Fighter
Mines also from "The book of five rings". It basically means if it has no use, don't do it. If you don't mean somthing, don't say it. If its not going to be benaficial (sp?) don't do it. It comes from Musashi Miyamotos view that thier should be nothing fancy about swordsmanship, or any other "military science". Your only aim is to destroy your oponent.
I think the tiger is meant to represent a fierce and powerful fighting spirit. Katsumoto sees the tiger while medertating, and Algrins flag has the tiger on it when he is defeated in battle. The fact that the Tiger has Katsumotos eyes may be a way of linking Algrin, Kasumoto and the fighting spirit represented by the tiger. Both Katsumoto are the same in many respects, only one is a man from the east, one from the west. Katsumoto still fights for honour without questioning traditional methods, much like Algrin did when he wiped out the native americans during his days in the army. Thats my theory at least. It shows both men are linked by thier warrior spirit.
We don't wear anything for "light freestyle" ie: light contact for compotitions mits, shingaurds and mouthpiece are mandatory. Box is optional.
Bruce Lee taught Chuck Norris before he bacame world champion, so id say Bruce. As for why hes so important: He ruffled alot of feathers. For a start he was one of the first to teach Gong-fu to westerners, and also for his opinions on martial arts. He said alot of it was for show and wasn't street effective. He argued that people should not worry about being loyal to a style, but should persue whatever method of fighting worked the best for them. This is the basis of his philosophy Jeet Kune Do. Sure the other were legends, and accomplished many amazing things, but bruce lees skill and mind were second to none.
Thanks for the help all, Ill just have to wait and see how it goes. Ill talk to my head of year again tomorrow.