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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan Karate
  • Location
    Norfolk, England
  • Interests
    Web development, Karate, Weight lifting
  • Occupation
    IT Support

Orion's Achievements

Blue Belt

Blue Belt (4/10)



  1. MSN - russell_ping@hotmail.com Skype - gnatsknackers
  2. Well after 2 months away from Karate and the gym.... well any exercise really im going to start training again. Wednesday back at karate, missed it so much you can't believe. Thursday, ouch. Back hurts, legs hurt and so do my glutes. Friday, Plan on trying to get my strength back tonight. Situps, press ups, swats and some chest and arm weights. Gonna do as many as I can. Not the best training but can't push it to much.
  3. Haven't been on the site for a while so haven't seen this post, but all im going to say is buy a 360 and buy rainbow six vegas and get xbox live. Oh and say goodbye to a personal life.
  4. I personally hate the program but thats just my opinion. Although these hateful comments should have been stopped you canonly blame channel 4
  5. It can never hurt (unless you drop them) to add some kind of weight training. As long as you don't go stupid. Ask your sensei what kind of training would benifit you.
  6. Work PC is Dell and so is the work laptop. The home PC is the girlfriends and thats an old Packard Bell.
  7. I'm trying to stay happy about it On christmas eve the girlfriend and i started to get all childish and mess about. She kicked me so i picked her up, unfortunately i didn't pick her up properly and pulled a muscle in my lower back. Not only did i have a poo christmas because of it but now I can't train and I can't go to the gym. At the moment im trying to rest it as much as possible and keep it warm.
  8. I try not to get caught, work get upset when you post on forums while their paying you.
  9. I've had a PSP since about 4 months before UK release. At the start there wheren't many games, now there are loads to choose from. I haven't played on the DS but would have to say i'd be lost without my PSP.
  10. Orion


    I used to drink alot of Soda or 'pop' but have cut back alot as it was killing my teeth. If I do have any its ginger beer but thats probably 1 can a month.
  11. I don't drink......... mainly because I have to drive and secondly I drank way to much in my youth and have never fully recovered. The smell of cider makes me ill.
  12. I work in IT doing support for about 70 users. I love my job but some days it gets a little boring (sign of a good system is the IT bloke doing nothing ). I would have liked to be in the RAF when I was younger.
  13. Cheers guys, the first one I found on google and thought it was really nice. the other one was taken from the roof of my hotel in Rhodes
  14. Sounds like a great idea, although over here they watch football (imo its really girlie) and if its a good match they score about 4 goals. Although you could do it for rugby. I think its great the way you come up with different ideas. You could always do it for darts but if someone got treble 20 on the first one you might regret it.
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