hey, I have a major problem which is most common on this site but i'm gonna post it anyways. I am 13 years of age and am 145-150 pounds and its a problem. I don't have friends and am called fat at school which is beginning to make me not come to school. I try running but as soon as my brother,uncle,mom,dad or someone comes down they laugh and i just feel terrible so i stop. I live with a indian family and they don't make salads and I am also a vegetarian. I eat lots of soy burgers and soy beans but i eat them with cheese, in bread and salad and tomato. In a month it's gonna be my uncles reception and i'm gonna do a dance for him but i wanna actually look resonable and not get all these taunts and crap later. I feel like breaking down but i'm trying to hold up. Plz help!