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Everything posted by mech2146

  1. Have you tried https://www.weaponsconnection.com perhaps they would offer you something of interest
  2. I don't mind so much a child having a black belt, but it should signifiy their capabilities. And above all else, lets not forget that the belt will never stand up for you in a conflict. It is only your skill that will save you or your families lives
  3. Does anybody have an address of that place? I'd love to go train there for a few days
  4. Kata in esence is the system. All of the great secrets passed on and eventually forgotten are within kata. Not everything is as appears. There are many great secrets that are no longer taught today because they have been forgotten or just not passed. Many "instructors" tell you that you have to do this in this way because thats how the kata goes. How many of you out there can truly say they're instructor knows the secrets and let alone share them with their students?
  5. I'm actually looking for one made out of a turtle shell. But I will definately check out that site. Thanx
  6. Does anyone know of a good place to purchase a timbe? I understand there are many variations out there and different materials can be used, but I'm looking for something as authentic as possible
  7. whatever happened to the old fashioned traditional method. wear a white belt until it turns black from the grit, dirt, and blood from training, and then wear it until it turns white again. That is when you know you have mastered the basics
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