"in the ring is it true that the adrenalin dose not alow you to feel pain so much. and how can I toughen myself up." In Muay Thai the first round tends to be relatively slow and cautious. Of course this is so that the fighters can test each other out in blocks and attacks but it is also so that adrenaline is triggered and given time to flow for the very reason it stops the fighters feeling as much pain. Fighters will often kick each other at the same time and clash shins and neither of them even wince. This is because of the concentration, adrenaline and general pain tolerance that each has. Its after the fight that you realise just what's happened to you and you limp around for a few days. To toughen yourself up is it simply a matter of long, constant drills on the bags and pads. The shins and elbows slowly become tougher and tougher whilst nerves are deadened. There is no quick way about it, it can only be done through hours and hours of kicking. As for kicking trees and things, I asked about this when I went to Thailand and they said No, kicking trees is silly because it'll just damage your bones. So leave all the 'kick the tree' stuff to Hollywood and get conditioned in the gym