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Adam Ball

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Everything posted by Adam Ball

  1. Zen Goshu = other
  2. well angus ill go you 1 better and send you a copy of my 1st dan grading if you want. it was 20 full contact fights after a five hour day then about 3-4 hours of grading before the sparring. it was the hardest thing ive ever done.
  3. ok. um. maybe some speed training would be good then. you should do sets of 100 punches as fast as you can. and multiple kicks off the same leg and stuff like that.
  4. hi. dude you should go to every martial art in your new city and choose the one for you, it may be shotokan and it may not be.
  5. all i can say about this situation is that you have to work on timing and stratergy. instead of trying to beat them to the punch, make use of those quick reflexes and do some fakes and then pond them with something coming from a different angle and always cover up. also timing will always beat raw speed.
  6. I dont do Kyokushin but i know that my style has roots in it. We do 20 2 minute rounds of full contact bare knuckle sparring with the only breaks being changing partners. on the second day of shodan grading, that morning you are buggred anyway because of the previouse day that took 5 hours to complete (inkluding lots of throws). for nidan we have to do 30 2 minute rounds bare knuckle full contact. i dont know if this is any indicator, but thats how it goes for us.
  7. 1st_degree_black:"while the black belt is just the beginning it has a lot of practical deffense mechanisms in which it is equipped." Really TKD black belts come with defensive mechenisms equiped? thats awesome i gotta get me one of them!!!! just kidding.
  8. I say go for a style that maybe does a mix of both. then you can punch and kick, lock and throw, and maybe even fight on the ground.
  9. hmmm. i agree with juey palancu. the rotation really doesnt help much with the power or effectiveness of the kick, it really just gets your kick chambred in the right position to do the kick from your rear leg. the aditional power though that would be there would be from the movement happening already, this would give it added speed when it hits the target therefore more power.
  10. im currently working on shisochin. my style is zen goshu and our katas go punch block pattern 1 punch block pattern 2 punch block pattern 3 taikyoku jodan taikyoku chudan taikyoku gedan retsu gekisai ichi retsu gekisai ni gekisai dai ichi gekisai dai ni sanchin tensho retsu saifa saifa seinchin sanseru shisochin sepai and im not sure what is after that. i guess ill find out further down the path
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