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Muay_Thai_COBRA's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. The gym teacher at my school told me that if if you train with extra clothing on to sweat that its not as effective as training with just a shirt on. Which way is the better option to sweat more to loose weight?
  2. I'm 187cm tall and i weigh about 84kg. Im 15 and have about 25% body fat. wat would be the right weight for me and how should i loose it. any help would be great
  3. After every training session i kick the kicking post in my dojo. but the next day i have lumps just under my skin, they are not visable but feel like bruises. the lumps dissapear in about 3-4 days. Is there any thing wrong with my shins or is this normal?
  4. i've been looking around the internet on low carb diets, the info is good but i dont know what exactly to eat. So if anyone could give me a rough plan on what eating for; breakfast,lunch etc. Any sort of help will be extremely helpful.
  5. Could anyone tell me what supplements there are to loos some serious weight (8-15kg)
  6. does anyone know of some movies with lots of full hardcore muay thai
  7. Does anyone know of a good weight training routine for Muay Thai, for example; what body parts to train and what kind of excersies. Any help would be great.
  8. I'v been training muay thai for about 5 weeks now, training twice a week. do you think in about 3 months ill be ready to enter a tournament?
  9. How much weight can be lost by sitting in the sauna? And how long does it take?
  10. I weigh 80.1 kg and im looking to drop about 12 kgs real fast in order to get into a lower weight division, any ideas would be great. Thanks :???:
  11. I was just wondering what age you have to be to participate in a Muay Thai or Kick Boxing match.
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