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    United Kingdom

KaratekaAndy's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Well my response is this: There are plenty of other guys in the class she can fight if she wants to get the experience - it's just against my upbringing to hit girls
  2. I hear you there! My boy is a year old, and he likes to headbutt! Mine beats me up to, when im practising he tries to copy and then tries it on everyone else I thought about teaching my baby brother some techniques off this site: http://www.vrazvedka.ru/main/learning/ruk-b/fairbairn-01.shtml But I decided against it, he's not old enough... Maybe when he's two and a half
  3. Not been in any fights lately... 'Cept for trying to get my baby brother to wear his nappy. I'm regretting teaching him how to punch - he's two years old... The vicious little swine!
  4. Poor kid... And what gets me most is the bullies won't get dealt with in a strict enough manner They may have called the bullies' parents but what good will that do since the parents are most likely violent people themselves? Get Ryan to continue his training like Toby said - he'll be alright after a while
  5. I used to do freestyle, but stopped when the instructor left and her replacement turned it into a McDojo But if you like it keep doing it!
  6. Left hand backhander feint followed by switch right leg round kick to the stomach/side
  7. Well I'm considered one of the "fast guys" at my club so I can give you advice based on my own sparring and fighting with other "fast guys". When he comes at you, he will attack with a series of blows - most of these are not intended to hit you but distract/confuse you in order to allow him to hit you with his "main" strike. The best way to deal with this would be to back off, lashing out with kicks. This forces him to do either one of two things: 1. Back off and pause for a moment in order to collect himself. 2. Get hit by your kicks. If he uses #1, as soon as he tries to back away - you go on the offensive. Throw in good mixes of kicks, back handers and punches to keep him off balance before delivering your point scoring "coup de grace". After this he will be more wary and thus will not use fast techniques for prolonged periods of time which makes him much easier to deal with as he will not be using his usual fighting style. P.S. I do full contact karate, so my advice might not apply to no-contact but try it and see.
  8. I don't agree with hitting girls. When I have to spar with them I work more on blocking and counters rather than the usual full-frontal attack which I usually use When I strike back I pull my blows slightly, but with enough force to show I hit the target - usually head, back and sides
  9. That is good intiative - you never know if he is saying that just to make you let your guard drop before *WHAM!!!!!* your in hospital suffering from a knife wound
  10. Thankfully I have never been in that situation and hope I never will be... But if it did occur then I would still wait for the police and explain what happened to them. I'd most likely be locked up for a bit, but so would any of you other erm... "gentlemen" if you hit her
  11. They try to predict me, but I throw in feints more often than actual attacks so they never know if I'll attack or not
  12. I wouldn't hit a woman - in any circumstance - it's how I was raised. I would just try to restrain her and call the police.
  13. If it was me, I would have started on them - mainly because I don't fudge around when family is involved.
  14. Next time this occurs, use diplomacy. "Diplomacy is a way of saying "Nice doggy" till you can find a big rock" - quote from post on MaP. If you talk to him, but he still wants to fight then beat the hell out of him... And then say you "held back" - he won't start again
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