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Everything posted by Gaoguy

  1. More importantly which style of of wushu? Goju would have a difficult time going into many of the northern styles, particularly the IMA.
  2. Yes Middle Kingdom, meaning between heaven and earth.
  3. BTW the difference between si suk and si bak-one is older than your teacher (sibak), the other younger, in terms of length of time w/their teacher.
  4. o, First I agree with your previous statement about family system. All those titles are in relation to others. But my teacher is in Taiwan. No wushu, just traditional neijiaquan. He called his teacher Hung laoshi (Hung Yishiang), I call him Luo Laoshi (Luo Dexiu, Lo Te-hsiu). To use the term Shifu describes a very particular relationship, rather like padre/padrone.
  5. Sorry dude, You'll never find Cantonese terms being used in the north. Most don't even use Shifu but rather laoshi which is just teacher.
  6. But it's not usual attire in Asia any more. The only time you see anyone in silk pajamas in for demos and video. Everyone just wears sweats.
  7. Gi was just everyday clothes. All these uniforms are anachronisms today.
  8. Foreign? Like French or ancient Greek?
  9. You guys think too much about this. For the most part if you are doing karate or tae kwon do you don't have it in your system.
  10. Sure why not? Ward off is the first contact in PH. The you you use both arms to tie up, hit to hurt and throw or lock.
  11. Jin means trained power, not energy.
  12. Often you will baduanjin done isometrically but my teacher, Luo Dexiu, taught me what he calls "dao" style. Only the "fist" exercise had any tension.
  13. Really it should only take 2-3 years with a qualified instructor to learn the basic shen fa (body method). And Mike there is no way to teach yourself xingyi.
  14. "It requires a complex and intricate understanding of the concept of Qi, and the flow of Qi through the body, and is based upon the idea of spiralling energy from the waist up the back and issuing through the arms. " Sorry this isn't it. The correct term is fajin. Jin is "trained power". It's a quick pulse of the body that creates a "short" power that penetrates the body. It drops you rather than sends you.
  15. Truly the most important thing you need to learn is the shen fa (body method). This si very specific to the CIMA. Applications are great but if they are performed without intenal strength and whole body power it's just external.
  16. Good post but I would put bodily fluids under the "jing" heading. I think qi wouls corrolate more to the central nervous system.
  17. Summon chi balls? C'mon.
  18. I teach Gao style baguazhang. What would you like to know?
  19. Try this: http://www.taijigongfu.com/gallery.html I'm not a Chen guy but Marin has good pedigree.
  20. Wushu just means "martial art" in Mandarin. It has come to mean the acrobatic performance art that mimics real martial arts.
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