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Everything posted by Isshinryu_heart

  1. seminars are usually special classes that teach things outside the normal curriculum of the school, usually by a guest teacher. We have had people from outside dojos attend our seminars, but I'm pretty sure they were there on invitation, they were all high-ranking black belts.
  2. I agree with everyone else. In my main dojo we wear white gis with only the school patch. I recently started training at a different dojo (same style) while I'm at college, and the first day the sensei came out with this big bright red, white and blue TKD gi. I'm not unpatriotic, but I think those kinds of flashy tournament gis are tacky and unnecessary, especially for regular classes at the dojo. I'm more traditional when it comes to my training, and just the fact that the sensei presented himself in that way makes me kind of worried about the kind of training i'm going to get.
  3. my dojo always has a karate camp every summer. It's designed for kids and adults. It's actually mandatory for all the adults that train. We do crazy stuff like run up mountains, get woken up by black belts at 2am for training, etc. It's a lot of fun but extremely tiring. Unfortunately I think it's only for people who train at my dojo.
  4. I totally agree. In my dojo everyone participates in dojo cleanup with the exception of the white belts, who are excused. This is mainly to not freak them out, but the main reason behind it is that they have not yet earned the privilige to clean the dojo. It's always been that way in my school. By the time you reach yellow belt, you want to participate in cleanup to do what you can to support the dojo.
  5. That's the first time I've seen that kata done but it looks really interesting. Kinda reminds me of kusanku....
  6. my tournament kata for empty hand is chinto, weapons is kusanku sai. I hardly ever compete though and when I do its only for inter-school competitions
  7. Stick and dagger is a very common part of kali. I have trained with single and double stick as well, but stick and dagger seems the most useful to me. Though the good thing about kali is that it is very versatile. For example single and double stick techniques usually involve blocking with the "active hand" as the hand not blocking with the stick. These techniques can be adapted to whatever weapons are available.
  8. In Isshinryu Seisan kata is the first kata taught. We have shortened versions created by my sensei's teacher called Seich and Seini, which we teach to brand new students to prepare them for learning their first kata, and seisan is the first full kata that a student learns in Isshinryu. I have always found it interesting that seisan is taught at the black belt level in some styles.
  9. the only time I have ever seen someone skip a rank was when one kid skipped a junior black belt rank (the JrBBs go through a grading system similar to the kyu ranks). He was definitely ready for it though. He tested for his BB the following year.
  10. congrats! My 3rd kyu (brown belt) test was a surprise - however the test was very long and nerve-racking as it was spanned over 2 weeks of classes
  11. welcome! hope you enjoy the forums
  12. welcome to KF
  13. welcome! hope you enjoy the forums
  14. welcome to the forums!
  15. I can ask - I am from northern NJ and my sensei might know someone. Did you train in Isshinryu in NJ?
  16. Sorry to hear about your injury. Hope you get well soon! I have a friend who tore her meniscus - she had to have surgery but she was totally back to normal in a few months. I hope all goes well for you
  17. definitely the pants. looks like she's going for the 'genie' look...but it didnt work out so well
  18. Keep in mind that you're going to be only against people of similar rank and experience - and they are all probably going through the same thing you are at the moment! Just try to relax - I always find meditation helps - just to clear your mind before you compete. Try not to pay attention to what's going on around you, as tournaments can get crowded and pretty noisy. Just relax, stay focused - and have fun! Even if you don't place (I never placed in a tournament until I was a brown belt) it's still a great learning experience.
  19. Perhaps at the annual KF cookout. KarateK is hosting in the UK--Aodhan in the states. I'll bring the babyback ribs. With respect, Sohan Sweet! I'm there
  20. NothingsShadow - just out of curiosity, how many "senseis" do you have in your dojo? I couldn't imagine having more than one (except if you count my Sensei's teacher, but he's passed away)
  21. Empty hand: Kihon 1-15 Sei-ich Sei-ni (beginner katas made by my sensei's late teacher) Sei-shi (beginner kata made by my sensei) Seisan Seiuchin Naihachi Wansu Chinto Kusanku Sunsu (not finished yet) Bo: Kihon Bo Bo Waza Bo waza kumite Tokimine no kun Tokimine no kun kumite Sai: Kihon Sai Kusanku Sai (not finished)
  22. I was always taught to keep a tight fist throughout the whole punch, but I know that is not the way the okinawan masters did it. Their philosophy was to be loose and relaxed until impact - thats how they can send you flying across the room with a finger.
  23. I would love to meet Patusai or Sohan because you both seem interesting and give great advice.
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