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Everything posted by EnvE

  1. UFC is weak compared to K-1 and PRIDE...
  2. I weigh 9.7 stones...5'6...
  3. Anyone a fan of PRIDE or K-1? They're probably the most entertaining fighting on tv. Too bad it only shows in Japan and rarely in the states. It might show in other countrys too, but I'm not sure.
  4. It's a creed from my class.
  5. It's meant to be like this> Kenpo/Karate Otherwise it'll be like this> Empty hand empty hand, which is odd... [ This Message was edited by: EnvE on 2002-05-21 20:32 ]
  6. I'm in American Kenpo. Pacificshore is right, it's mainly based on strikes and punches. I come to with "Kenpo Karate", law of the fist and the empty hand. My skills include fighting with or without weapons. Should I be forced to defend myself, my family or my freinds. Should it be a matter of life or death, right or wrong, then here are my weapons, "Kenpo Karate", law of the fist and the empty hand...
  7. Yeah, there are comps for different styles(remember what Bruce Lee said about 'style'?). Go on kazaa and just put "martial arts" or "sparring" and they'll be a lot. I got this one called "Taekwon Do VS Muay Thai". The TKD guys gets his arse whooped BAD.
  8. I only respect to those who respect me. So if another black belt disrespects me, then I disrespect him as well. When a white belt respects me, I respect him as well. It doesn't matter what belt you are, IMO. I have respect towards everyone at first...it's just those who miss it that gets disrespected. [ This Message was edited by: EnvE on 2002-05-16 20:24 ]
  9. I understand what you're saying, but that doesn't always work...especially against me. When I spar, I don't block unless I HAVE to...I back up or IF I DO have to block, I use one hand, so the other is blocking the rest of the body. So I'll be blocking and backing away at the same time, so it's a rare chance your technique would work. So therefore I leave nothing open for you to hit. I'm not saying it doesn't work, it's just that some people already know your techniques so they avoid them, heh.
  10. Started at 6, I'm now 17...18 in November.
  11. Yeah, I'm an official Red Cross volunteer at the local teen center...me and my hommies go there and play with 8-12 yearolds and it's an easy job.
  12. I've asked that before but no one answered me...damn fakes... Anyways, http://www.bilang.com has some hype kata and kicks...
  13. Do any of you guys train with weapons like Nun-Chakus, Escrimas, etc?
  14. There is no real 'master'...there's your true answer.
  15. Community volunteering helps A LOT.
  16. Think about it...you can be a master at 5th...but not a GRAND master...
  17. You gotta be studying for a LONG time...
  18. Didn't he want to know some self-defense? Muay Thai isn't really self-defense...it's more towards fighting... I say Judo, Aikido, Ju-Jitsu, and/or Kenpo...
  19. I don't mind fighting in general...but I personally wouldn't fight someone who is really younger than me...like bullys, those are the type I like the teach the lessons too...
  20. Very well, my students...
  21. Does anyone break? When I say break, I mean breakin' as in dancing... The term "Breakdance" was created by the media and is hated by many B-boys(male breakers)... If you do, hit me back and/or check out the http://www.b-boys.com forum. Yes, I'm the same EnvE on there.
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