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Everything posted by Co_Co

  1. RichardGregory Do you belong to GKR ?
  2. i wouldent be suprised if they didnt go and create the idea of beach trainning in the first place and with the belt i think it looks even better when the belt is warn but i spent a lot of money on my gi and i dont want it to wear away
  3. if u r intrested in kicks then try Muay Thai as it uses its legs and nees GET A FILM CALLED (ONG BAK) with tony jaa in it its wicked u see alot of muay thai in it
  4. your belt will tie better whith wear and tear and it dont matter about your belt it is only ther to hold up ur trousers
  5. Thxs m8 im trying to remember this all
  6. well i now its 2 parts. one is the really really old style and the other part is quite new. u can see it from our katas the first 2 you learn are all nice slow and suttle. then the third is all old style breacking necks and rippping balles off lol
  7. Hey ive been studying Go Kan Ryu for a while now. If you study it please put your veiws on it.
  8. WoW guys i never thought of dehidration irl keep it in mind irl try the early morning stretching and see how it works out my new Sensei showed me some stretches on sun and i really went for it and now my legs are killing i talked to him he said its good because they are getting use to streaching that bit further so im going to keep at it and see how it works out irl be able to kick light shades soon Thanks again guys and if u now any more tip please pass them on
  9. I find it helps me in every aspect of my life from work to sports and hobbies
  10. I study Go-Kan-Ryu is that a different verson of it ?
  11. Co_Co

    GKR Karate

    I asked hes been tranning for 7 and a half years I THINK hes on his last part of his brown going for black but the way he is with speed and every thing about him i think he sould be a black by now hes alot better than my previous Sensei and i have a lot of respect for him thanks for your help guys and girls
  12. Bassai Dai Just started to learn it on sun is so cool HARD AND CONFUSEING
  13. I have done some beach trainning resently and the salt water is starting to wear my belt witch im not worred about but will it destroy my gi in the long run ?
  14. Thats really cool good find
  15. Thanks for your help guys and girls its a big help if anyone has any other tips or apinions then please post APOLOGUISE FOR SPELLING
  16. Chuck Norris is the Greatest
  17. Whats a good way to teach your body to put your hips in at the corect time to get the most power out of your punches and kicks ? Ive tryed most things but as you can see by the amount of post i have up i am looking to find the best or nearest to it with everything. Any surgestions then please pass the secret on
  18. Co_Co

    GKR Karate

    All i have heird is that he is very good because in our club the teaches wear black belts with a white line through the middle. and no student askes what belt the teacher is because there are some teachers with the black and white belt that are starting to learn how to teach as well as learn them selfs. Strange i know but he has come from a nother part of the country to help us all. Kancho Robert Sulivan wouldent of send him if he was bad. No hes good he just dosent like to show off or bost
  19. Thanks Guy for all these tips irl try most of them exsept the one about sking skatboarding and the rest because i cant afford all of the equipment
  20. Co_Co

    Kata List ..

    9th Kyu to 8th Kyu Yellow Taigyoku Shodan 8th Kyu to 7th Kyu (ho) Orange tip N/A 7th Kyu (ho) to 7th Kyu Orange Taigyoku Nidan 7th Kyu to 6th Kyu Green Saifa 6th Kyu to 5th Kyu Blue Saifa 5th Kyu to 4th Kyu Red Bassai-Dai 4th Kyu to 3rd Kyu Brown Bassai-Dai 3rd Kyu to 2nd Kyu Brown Seiunchin 2nd Kyu to 1st Kyu Brown Empi 1st Kyu to Shodan-ho Black Sanseryu / Sepai Shodan-ho to Shodan (1st Dan) Black Sepai / Hangetsu 1st Dan to 2nd Dan Black Kanku-Dai / Kururunfa 2nd Dan to 3rd Dan Black Shisochin / Kanku-sho 3rd Dan to 4th Dan Black Seisan/ Sochin
  21. Thanks for all your advice if try it all balenceing on a mound with my hands on my sid ewith my eyes closed lol no any other ways please pass them on
  22. i Beleve first and second kata is most inpotant and also the basics
  23. Well i do security for a job so it helps me a lot and i beleve always will. its changed my life for the better. i also fish for a hobbie and i makes me quick on the mark for when that fish bites and also keeps me relacsed and calm. Sorry for the spelling mistakes....
  24. My Sensei always told me to have my foot turned in a little bit as quoted by NidaninNJ
  25. Yeah I have many a time LOL. It really depends what Dojo u belong to... I mean some will put u in and then u fail where you arnt up to standard OR you could belong to a Dojo where your Sensei will not allow you to go for it till he beleves you are ready then you tend to pass But its usaly 50/50 chance
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