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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Boxing at home
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Interests
    Boxing, Fitness, Self-Defense
  • Occupation

JMP MT's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I have heard of Bakbakan before but I couldn't their webpage until now because I was always spelling it wrong, so thanks i'll look into that, also thanks for the JKD recommendation I know of a place in North Bergen maybe i'll give that a try.
  2. At the martial arts school that I attended the teacher taught several martial art styles and had the students take them all right from the beginning, I stopped training there due to an injury and have since decided not to go back at all because I was not getting anything out of the training, could multiple styles from the start have been detrimental to my training?
  3. I have heard many names for this art (Escrima, Kali, Arnis, Modern Arnis) and I am not really sure if there is a difference between them, I am looking for a martial art that is traditional and self-defense oriented (not street fighting but self-defense) I want something that has history and something that I can develop my mind and body with, so before I ramble on more, would one of these stick fighting arts be good for me? And does anyone know of schools that teach these styles in Bergen County, New Jersey?
  4. I thought the purpose of the overhand was to go "over the guard that way you don't need to wrry about breaking it open, of course maybe I am thinking of a different style of overhand
  5. Check this page out. Have any of you ever heard of this guy? Sounds like a scam to me. What do you guys think about it? http://www.topsecrettraining.com/combat.html
  6. thank you
  7. Then i know her for sure, (Hi, pineapple)
  8. I could swear i know a Michelle Perez but she lives in Teanck which is right next to bogota, do you know if she goes to a school call Bergen County Technical School in teterboro?
  9. Happy Holidays to everyone, and may none of you get knocked out in competitions this coming year, unless your facing me.
  10. Sirum is like a combination of highschool wrestling and BJJ it uses pins and submissions, and has a stance not unlike that of highschool wrestling, i've never been able to find and books on the subject you could try amazon.com and type in Sirum maybe something will come up. BTW- The people you know in Bogota, whats their name, it's possible that I know them
  11. Thnx very much.
  12. I agree with this I think for any martial art it is good to practice both left and right stances equally, it makes you better able to adapt whether in competion or on the street, especially on the street because of the unpredictability of the encounters. For me it was a must, because I am narturally a south paw, left hand back, but most of the others in my class are orthodox, right hand back, so when I work with a partner we stand orthodox for half and southpaw for half so it is fair to us both, it has really helped me develop my right side strength coordination, balance and a load of other things, and I am now equally good with both sides.
  13. Over the course of one year, I have trained in Muay Thai, Judo, Sirum (Korean Wrestling) Hapkido, and Tae-Kwon Do. Recently I have stopped training in all arts except Muay Thai, I can train at my school up to 5 nights a week, taking 2 Martial Arts a night, but what is your opinion, I am looking for fitness, and self-defense mainly, but maybe in a year or two I would like to compete in Muay Thai, if I took the other arts I would probably like to do a little competing in them too. But do you think I should take all these arts or not all but a combination of them, if so tell me what you think, plz.
  14. Hello everybody, My name is Jeffrey Pumo and I am a 14 year old freshman in Bogota, New Jersey. I have practiced martial arts for a little over a year now and before that I practiced Western Fencing (like the olympics) for several years. My school teaches a combination of different martial arts, here is a list of the ones I have studied Muay Thai, Hapkido, Judo, Tae-Kwon Do, Sirum(Korean Wrestling). I also did some Boxing at a local P.A.L. As of right now though, I am only practicing Muay Thai and am enjoying it tremendously, in addition to MA I also run and lift weights, and plan to do spring track this year. Thats pretty much all thats important or maybe to much. But I look forward to getting to know you all. BTW-I notice many of you have a picture of a belt under your name, can someone tell me how to do this please?
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