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Everything posted by GojuGal

  1. Well, I did it! I passed my blue belt grading. I'm so very proud of myself for this one. It was quite seriously one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. They worked us hard! I'm sore and tired, but I'm savouring that soreness, I earned it! I'm truly enjoying this journey I began three years ago. I never believed I would make it this far, and who knows what my future in martial arts holds. However I'm savouring every step of it and looking forward to what is waiting around the next corner.
  2. Honestly, my best advice would be to not try to force him to be interested in martial arts, regardless of the fact that you started this together. Rather than working at getting him interested in this again, find out what it is that he would rather be doing and encourage that. Martial arts isn't for everyone and it's quite possible that he truly doesn't enjoy it. It's sad that this is something you were doing together and bonding over, and now he's just not interested but that is our lot as parents. You should, however, continue in your art if you're still interested in going alone.
  3. Wow, baron, what did I learn? So much, it's hard to put it into words. I learned that being surrounded by black belts isn't as scary as I thought it would be! Seriously, that was one of my biggest concerns. I was sure I would be intimidated by them and not feel like I was worthy. And although they were all very serious and focused on their judging, they were very nice, and very helpful. I was also very concerned about letting down my Sensei. I was afraid that if I didn't perform well and bring home a medal that I would disappoint him, and that wasn't what happened at all. Although I'm sure he would have wanted me to win something, he was very pleased with my performance of the kata and had nothing but positive reinforcement and constructive critcism for me afterwards. I learned that although I know the movements for the kata, I need to work at increasing my power and intensity as well as improving my stances. I need to really root myself in my stances. I need to find the proper candence in the kata, learn where the speed needs to be, and where the slower but powerful moves are. I learned that it's time for me to start breaking down the katas and really examining what the applications are for it. That way I can learn how to present it properly. It's not a matter of just knowing what stance, what punch, what block, comes next. It's knowing and visualizing why that stance, that punch, that block comes next. Like I said, there's so much that I learned, I'm not sure I can put it into words properly. Explaining myself is not my strong suit! It was very interesting, as well, watching all the other styles that were there. I knew there were differences between styles, but it was really neat to see how different they could be. I also very much enjoyed watching the weapons kata. That's not something we do, and I would love to learn. It was a great experience, and one that I'm looking forward to repeating.
  4. Well, I didn't win anything, but I had a great time. It was a wonderful experience, and now that I know what to expect, I'll definately be trying again next year. Thanks for all the tips everyone! You really helped me get past the nerves.
  5. Wow, everyone, thanks so much for taking the time to offer all this great advice. I really appreciate it. It's all been very helpful and you've managed to take away at least some of the nerves! Thanks again!
  6. Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll have to come in and tell you all how I do. I'm still a bit nervous about it, but it will be what it will be. Thanks again!!
  7. I will be going to my first tournament soon and I'm a bit nervous about it. I will only be competing in kata, nothing else. Is there any advice you all can give me? Thanks in advance!!
  8. I started because I wanted my son to go. He had, and still has, some self esteem issues and I thought karate would be a great place for him to learn how to respect himself. Also, since in karate you are only competing against yourself, I didn't have to worry about him "losing" all the time in competitive sports. I had originally thought of a dojo in a nearby town, but it was more money than I could afford. After talking to a parent of my daughter's friend and finding out that there was a non-profit dojo in my own town, that was significantly less expensive, I signed all three of us up! We are now in our third year, my son is a purple belt, my daughter a yellow and I'm green. It's been a wonderful experience for all three of us, and I can see a lifetime of MA in our lives. My son is a bit more confident now, although he's having bullying issues in school, and my daughter is MUCH more confident in herself. It's been great for both of them.
  9. Last week at class when we were doing our stretching exercises, I hurt my inner thigh muscle. It almost felt like somehting "popped" and it hurt until I stopped the stretch (which was basically immediately). It was sore for a couple of days afterward, but nothing too bad. Then when I was at class this week, I tried to stretch again, and the pain was pretty bad, but not unbearable by any means. I'm not flexible by a long shot, although I want to be, so it's frustrating that now I can't stretch that leg. Is there anything I can/should do to help speed it up, or is it just a wait and give it time?
  10. That's awesome. Great job!! Keep up the good work both you and your son.
  11. I may have to rethink my response from earlier considering that the Canadian men couldn't beat the Swiss! LOL! There have been some great upsets in the mens and womens hockey this year. I have to tell you, I really like that. It makes things more exciting when it's not just a guaranteed Canada and U.S. blowout. Much more interesting!
  12. You know, it's funny, that's one thing I have found that I really do love about karate. No matter how much you "think" you know, you really are just beginning. The journey is fantastic. I found it a bit frustrating when I got my yellow belt, because I came out of the grading feeling very comfortable in what I knew. The very next class in, I was feeling very uncomfortable with all the new things I was learning! LOL! That in itself was a great learning experience for me. I've never done anything like this before, and I can tell that it is going to be a very large part of my life for a very long time! I'm still learning Sanchin Ichi. I have the movements basically memorized, but the breathing is still a problem for me. It is a good one though, a great way to warm up and get the blood pumping!
  13. An orange belt after only one month of training? Have you trained at another dojo or in the past? That just seems very fast. Congratulations, though! It's exciting to pass a grading.
  14. I agree. Unless you have studied at the very least one more style of karate, you wouldn't be doing anything more than teaching what you have been taught.
  15. Oh, very much so. Unfortunatly, if your Team USA can't beat lowly Latvia, how do you expect them to beat our Canadian boys in hockey? LOL! LOL!
  16. Yeah, that's the rub, isn't it? Just as soon as I think I'm doing well with ni, I find out that I have a lot more to work on. I love it though, it's challenging but not impossible.
  17. I've been working on it, but I'm not doing very well. I had taken some time off, when I got sick so I really have to get back at it. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to touching my toes, I can bend so that my face is on my legs, but I can't seem to get the splits. That is my goal though, to be able to do the splits by the end of this years training. I'd better get a move on!
  18. Right now I am working on "tweaking" Gekisai dai ni. I have been working on this kata since last spring, when I was a yellow belt, so now I'm just working on small corrections in stances and also in getting my speed up. At the same time I am working on Kihon Gekisai dai ichi/ni as well as Rensuko Kumite Gekisai dai ichi/ni. I'm hoping to test for my green belt this spring, so I'm working very hard on all of those.
  19. My goal is to continue learning and growing as I am. Once I am ready, I would like to either take over teaching in the dojo where I train, or open my own dojo. I would also like to teach self defense to women who are like myself before I started karate, so they can successfully defend themselves in bad situations. But, I'm only a lowly orange belt right now, so I have a looooooong way to go before I get there. That is what I have in mind for the future though.
  20. Twice a week for a total of about 4 1/2 hours.
  21. GojuGal

    Goju Ryu

    I do, yes. I've been taking it for over a year now, not long, I know. I'm an orange belt, and I'm hoping to test for my green this spring. I'll have to wait and see though, if I progress enough. If not, then I'll test in the fall, no biggie either way.
  22. girl, 34 almost 35 Gojugal
  23. I practice yoga on a daily basis here at my home, mostly stretching and sun salutation as well as training in karate twice a week. I have found that the yoga has greatly improved my performance in karate as well as my flexibility. I have also found that I have greater strength from yoga than before when I was only doing karate. Yoga is a very difficult practice and I see no reason why the two can't go hand in hand. Gojugal
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