Hi, Thanks for the replies. It only took one practice training session for me to fall in love. I'm now in my third week of training, I just received my official uniform, and I'm working towards my first stripe. The official system that we are learning is called Shin-Toshi; it is a relatively new system, and our instructor, Richard Shoffit, is the highest-ranked belt in the United States (7th degree). The class starts with organized practicing of kicks, punches, positions, and movements. It then moves to "one-steps", a series of movements and counters to memorize. Next we work on forms, then self-defense. After that we do weapons training (currently escrima sticks). Finally, we spar, then do minor belt tests. It is one heck of a workout! I'm thoroughly enjoying the class, and can't wait to learn more. So far, it's the perfect blend of martial arts for me. If there's anything you'd like to know about Shin-Toshi, feel free to contact me. I will be starting a weblog in the next week or so detailing my progress there; if anyone cares to know, I will be posting the link here sometime soon. - Brian