I attended Villari's for 2 years and just thought I would put in my 2 cents. While I have no personal experience with USSD, I found Villari's to be a very adaptive system. And although it is a "chain" martial arts studio, I found that this worked to my advantage. While I recieved most of my instruction at my local dojo from a 3rd degree Black Belt, I had/took several opportunities to learn from a 5th degree and a 7th degree. I was allowed tremendous access as a low level belt to upper level masters, including Master Villari himself. As with any personal endeavor, be it school, martial arts, or life in general, it is what you make of it. And if you are willing to put in the time, and take the opportunities available as they present themselves, you can get a whole lot out of Villari's. Hope this helps in the debate.