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  • Location
    vancouver, canada

muaythaiposer's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. i've been thinking about a tatoo for soooo long, but i just cant think of an original design yet. can anyone tell me where are the places that'll might stretch out for a woman? i'm thinking of getting one getting one on the outside of the upper leg under teh hip. not a lot of people get it ther, especially girls
  2. i honestly think everything we do in martial arts is somewhat detrimental to our body. the whole cycle of stretching and strenthening, and the process of bone building....we need to stress teh body before it gets stronger. anytime we do this same training regimen for years adn years, we're bound to get wear and tear.. and even tho despite training with perfect techniques, because our bodies are so different from each others, we may still be hurting ourselves in the long run. this applies to all sports and even to everyday occupations (carpal tunnel syndrome anyone?). my comment is not that we cant take precautionary measures, but that for any activity over a prolonged period of time...our bodies are bound to start resisting our beloved activity (shoulder injuries with swimmers, knee injuries with runners, lower back pain wiht labourers, tendonitis with musicians). but of course, even with all the impact MAs gruellingly put us through, benefits outweigh the negatives
  3. what results are you trying to acheive? it's pretty hard to asses whats going to happen just by the info you've given. when doyou train? how active are you ingeneral? how big are these food portions? waht height/weight/body type are you? set out a goal, and maybe the question would be less vague
  4. always check your history on why and how your ankle hurts. this may be a sprain, or a microfracture. was there a particular incident of trauma? get it checked by a podiatrist asap..seems like this pain has been going on for a while...
  5. when trying to pick out a martial arts to practice, the best thing to do is research about the MA, then go to schools that offer that and speak to the grandmaster about what you're thinking of taking, or observe classes. taking to friends or people who do the MA helps to,...but i guess that's why you posed the questionto us good luck!
  6. good for ya. just keep this in mind though even if you're an ectomorph and will not build super muscles...anatomical adaptations take about 6-8 weeks...meaning that the strength you get from starting weights during that time will be due to your body "knowing" how to recruit you muscles properly. after that, your strength will come from hypertrophy....i'd recommend going light the first month and letting your body get used to "activating" together, then lift the heavy stuff....dont forget to stretch
  7. an advantage running has over puching a bag is that running will also keep your bones healthy (i.e. increase/maintain bone density by weight loading bones)...advantage for puching bag (or shadow boxing) is that it's specific to what you already do, and therefore you can build up endurance in your heart and arms specific to sport. try runnning wiht a buddy, that helps
  8. i dont' understand diets (not weight loss kind, and i'm not talking about supplements, just pure meal eating). why restrict yourself to primarily protein, or carbs, or onion soup? how is that really "good" for you? do you really feel better if you limit yourself to certain foods? would you run higher faster stronger? do you really gain more/lose more fat-muscle-water?? i'm just curious as to why certain diets "work", and what exactly are they working for? it's one to eat healthy, but i read so many posts about people going on 'just eat this type' diets, when with training, you jsut need to increase portions. fact is for protein diets, not only do average americans already have over the RDA of protein (enough even for a training athlete), but it can liver or kidney damage! maybe those who understand can offeer me some insight.
  9. the govt is probably using BMI which is no good to fit muscular individuals
  10. do you guys mean in the morning AFTER WARM-UP? ballistic stretching in the morning doesn't sound like fun.
  11. 2 mini side half ponytails, and if needed, one collectively at the back. or jsut leave the back to hang
  12. RU_DE CHVAN _UR ACCORD OF POLYSPORIN correct pronounciation includes a clicking of tongue for _
  13. awesome pics! did you get to take any of those ridiculously tall tophys home, owthathurts?
  14. wow, that's some arguement. it's not even a controversie, because the answers are all right there. just eat it. absolute strength, men are stronger, but that just means they have to carry all the heavy stuff, haha. i'm sorry that we're not blessed with a *dog* that gives us hormones. and that's exactly what the arguement came from...testosterone. makes you guys grow bigger muscles and fatter head. sorry to generalization...just for those taht aren't in the know. you'd never hate your mamma, but you can crap out at your dad anytime question 6 about the sweat rate sorta contradicts itself; to have a better dissapation rate is to have an efficient sweat rate, no?
  15. right down to it, it's what type of learning you like. when i was deciding what to do, i tried one class of shotokan, and one of san shou. learning shotokan at the beginning takes a lot of patience, due to the forms and such, but if you like to get right down into it, punching and kicking pads, san shou teaches you fighting techniques right away. wing chun spends a lot of time learning/perfecting the defensive-switch-offensive(sticky hands) . anyone of these will teach you defense, but instruction, and your style of learning is key. i went with sanshou
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