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Everything posted by gracie_jujitsu_is1

  1. the first day i came to the dojo to "check out" jujitsu the instructor wanted to give me a free lesson... he threw me with the group...i had no gi, no experience...nothing. we stretched out then worked on some teqniques for an hour and the last half hour of class we fought for submission...(same as we do after every class) the other students didn't take it easy on me cause i didn't know anything and i thought it was kinda harsh...i got arm barred, choked out...the whole works. (of course that ends just as soon as ya tap out...) i found out after class that sparring like that with more advanced students even though you don't know what your doing, gives you an instinctive kind of defense and i'm glad that we do it...i think you should spar as soon as your allowed. but hey don't take my word for it try it for yourself
  2. i'm alittle biased but i would recommend brazillian jujitsu to anyone, especially if you already know some more advanced throws or takedowns.
  3. aww yoda you don't know what your saying! i've been saved twice now by a last ditch grab at my opponents feet.
  4. short term goals: add another stripe to my obi. long term goals: improve my endurance, drop down to 170lbs, improve my speed and flexibility.
  5. lol i wouldn't be so affraid of the old men with golf clubs as i would the guy in the cart who runs you down when you try and kick his friend
  6. at the moment i study brazillian jujitsu, if i were to add something to my studies (because i don't intend to quit what i'm doing) i would add judo, or akido, something that would work well with what i'm already doing...gaining some more experience with throws and take downs would help out my grappling from a real life or no holds bard perspective.
  7. 90% of street fights end up on the ground...take that into consideration...brazillian jujitsu can teach you offense and defense in this situation. i'm also a big fan of thai boxing (though i don't study it.) it is very effective, brutal even...but don't limit yourself to what other people think either try things out...do research find out what fits you. i'll say again, i'm just throwing my opinion out...good luck.
  8. there's no real time limit if you wanna do nhb. there are guys in our dojo who have studied brazillian jujitsu for less than two months and are participating in a no holds bard tournament next week.
  9. martial arts may even help you find a new love of golf...imagine how easy it would be to win if you take your opponent down and put him in an arm bar before he get's a chance to put... lol
  10. our teacher strictly prohibits the sick and ill from participating in class...it may have something to do with the fact that noone likes to grapple with a guy who's hacking in your face and who's nose is running all over you.
  11. i pay 60$ a month and a yearly membership fee of 50$ that includes three days a week, 2 hours per session.
  12. it is the people in the dojo that matter most...but having room to grapple without rolling on top of people is nice too our class size varries from about 8 to 15 people from session to session and this becomes an issue alot of the time, (we do danzan ryu and brazillian jujitsu) perhaps more "stand up" oriented martial arts need less space?
  13. hey guys, this is an interesting thread so i just wanna put my two cents in i love stand up martial arts, and kicking is a real threat to a grappler. i know a thai boxer for example will take my head off with a round kick if i go strait for a clinch and am not very carefull... but to say you don't wanna learn any ground fighting or submission...isn't that kind of limiting yourself? just my oppinion take it or leave it.
  14. hi there, i havn't got the flowcharts, if you wanna send them to kane54143@yahoo.com i'd be most appreciative. thanks much
  15. if i were you, i would get a phone book from the cities nearest you and check the yellow pages. martial arts dojos and studios are often times listed there.
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