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Everything posted by pepto_bismol

  1. 7 days a week, 4-7 hours a day. Sure... 2 year black belt. Style that is very basic... not to many forms, such as wing chun. Sure... possibly 2 year black belt. 2 year old kid... sure, if the price is right. the average school that goes like 2 days a week one hour a day... I can't imagine awarding a black belt. A black belt should idealy take a lifetime to earn.
  2. I got second place competing in the childrens 14-17 in the oyama tournament yesterday, only reason I didn't get first is because I got kicked in the head but too bad, not allowed to punch to the head in that tournament, a little bit too unrealistic for "full contact" EDIT: A clean round house kick to the head is a point, it seemed the only way to win that tournament was by kicking to the head, I didn't like that too much.
  3. well MA is not "all" about fighting, I always thought "self improvement" "self knowledge" "self discipline" and "learning how to fight to avoid fighting" were all key parts in martial arts. I think the only thing that saved her in this fight was her confidence, and a little bit of luck.
  4. lolz the article left out the part of the story where she kicked the walker out from under the guy. The school she trains at couldn't be more of a McDojo, giving black belts to ages 7 and up. She is very lucky she didn't get hurt and really misrepresents the school. I was going to quote a lot of people on fightingarts regarding this topic, but it looks like there site is down
  5. I had to condition my knuckles for a long time so my knuckles don't really get cut anymore, but I used to use hand wraps. The only reason I have gloves is to protect the other person from getting hurt, not myself.
  6. Hi all, a few weeks ago I was transporting some of my mats from one place to another and I stacked them the wrong way (blue side up) and since it was a hot day I guess that there was some sticky stuff that fell off the bottom of the mats and got stuck on the top of others... I have tried using a razor, wet towel. rubbing alcohol, and I can't seem to get the stuff off (well I can but plucking it off one centemeter at a time would take a looooong time. does anybody have any suggestions on how to clean these matts? ty EDIT: I found the answer for this particular problem. It is called "goo gone" and is sold at most department stores. I would post the companies website so you guys would know where to find them, but I think posting urls is against the rules so just remember this "pepto-san say goo gone, OSU!"
  7. aha, I've learned a lot from http://www.realultimatepower.net/index4.htm a url from the yahoo ninja page...
  8. If some guy comes running at you really fast with a knife tell him to wait while you stretch your legs.
  9. ya, nobody ever really wins a fight... even if you win, there are legal aspects, and in the end you lose. A few months ago some girl caught me on a bad mood when I was on the bus so I pretty much told her to shut up, calledld her 260 pound boyfriend I went to the park and exercised like ussual walked and on the way to my house I saw his motorcyle in front of my house I knew he wanted to fight, I could tell I couldn't win but I wasn't afraid. I don't seem to get afraid of pain that much anymore. Well first he swung his motorcyle helmet, I did a bong sou and blocked it, then he picked me up and threw me on the concrete. I broke my fall beutiffuly and luckily, then while I was on the floor he hovered over me, yelling who do you think you are and stuff like that. anyway I was sitting there, right leg up ready to kick him in the groin, then I remembered the last fight I was in and the whole 2 felonies six misdemeanors thing. So I just jumped up told him my name, told him I was a freshman, then told him he shouldn't be fighting with me. Neighbor came and split it up Cops came and searched/questioned us the other kid had "herbs" on him but he emptied them out of his pockets before the cops searched him LOL! he's cool with me now though
  10. I watched 3 tapes with Gary alexander, his chinto form, a knife form, and some street applications. While watching the first tape I was excited, 1974 hall of fame, isshin ryu 10th dan. I was looking at his form, watching from the first slow, sloppy punch, to the sloppy pivet, the the raise of the leg and the drop, supposed to be side kick, groin kick, leg raise? I couldn't understand what this guy was doing. His stances were terrible, his techniques were sloppy, and it looked like he had no power at the end of his punches. Not only that but the training partner on his tape kept switching from 3rd dan to 2nd dan on his belt. The street applications were like "kick to groin" "punch to the neck" "punch to stomach" weak, with no application. I took my uncle in, my training partner and martial artist of over 30 years and he couldn't believe how terrible it was. My question to anyone who knows anything about Gary Alexander. Was he ever good? He must of been to make black belt hall of fame, right? Was it just a bad day? Is he getting old? Is he legit? I mean I read a lot about them and I still can't believe how bad that was. Am I just missing something? Can somebody please explain this guy to me?
  11. 1. you get to "feel" and get used to the "feeling" of martial arts 2. you get to improve your reaction time 3. it's great to have an instructor there to point out your mistakes 4. sometimes you might train to fight, in that case you deffinately need to get used to training with other people I don't feel like listing a ton of reasons, and if it's not obvious to you then im sure it is to a lot of people on this forum and they can list more reasons have fun and good luck with your training
  12. lol, I tried washing it with my gi a few times, I think I need to was it alone because it really messes the belt up, and the stripes. Anyway what is the point of washing a colored belt? it doesn't seem to get very dirty.
  13. It really depends on how your teacher does things. You could always ask him, or a higher ranking student who has already learned the Biu Tze. For me it took a little over three years for my instructor to show me. But if you really can't wait, you could watch a peer, or a tape. Learning of a tape is deffinately not the same though, I have seen so many differant varriations of the same form, but the principles are ussualy the same, and they do share a lot of the same movements. In the end If you want to know "when" or "how long" it takes for you to learn Biu Tze I think it is best to ask someone from your school. After all, all teachers teach differantly.
  14. you're saying adult males are any better?
  15. I have heard of tai chi chuan kickboxing, but never seen tai chi fighting applications.
  16. it's like when an opponet askes to "clash arms" I never say no, because if I say no then I will probably be thought of as a coward. If they challenge you, shock them a bit. It's not like he hit him as hard as he could, right?
  17. Most of the people that find out I take MA try to challenge me, the whole "so u think ur tough" comes up a lot. I have a habit now of making my lips move while no words come out then I say "So, you think you know kung fu, eh? What style do YOU know?!" then I keep my mouth moving. I actually use that one, it ussually makes the other person laugh, if not they kind of shake their and walk away. It's not like I make a habbit of telling people that I do martial arts, it's just that I have been forced to be in a few fights, used osotogari and some centerline punches and then all of a sudden everybody is like "theres the karate kid" or "hey ninja, sup?" gets real annoying after a while, esspecially since those nicknames lead to trouble.
  18. I decided to buy one of the century versaflex stretcher's, only because I ussualy see them 250-300$ direct from century. So I bought one on ebay for 150$ out the door. Now I got it in the mail, all the little pieces and all guess I need to assemble it wish me luck...
  19. I meant to give examples of what they did, not asking what they were. srry for confusion.
  20. lol oh ya got to remember to check the date on these posts, sorry about the accusation then lol sensei rick did you defy him on purpose? LOL, not trying to be a snob but, My original post was Dec. 23 last year, isshynryu hearts, was jan 7th. He is the copy cat.
  21. There are three main groups that teach traditional ninpo taijutsu and weapons the first is the Bujinkan, the second in Jinekan, and the third is Genbukan and they were spys You do know they were more then just spies, right? I don't want to point out the obvious but, Mercinaries, Body Guards, rescued hostages, etc.
  22. my instructor started teaching me ninjutsu in october (my birthday) also gave me some stars but I don't think it lives up to all the hype. Most of my ninjutsu training consisted of me climbing up and down tree's, silent moving drills, swimming techniques (push a log in front of you while your body is underwater that way the enemy thinks it is just a log) etc I think if you want to be an ninja, buy a gun like a normal person. After all ninjas were mostly assasins or spy's, right?
  23. because they get the funky music and they have to hear Billy Blanks going " One, Two, One, Two, Jab, Cross, Pose, Jab Cross" Ah wait... that's tae bo, forget my post then
  24. I would love to answer the question you posted, BUT since you posted "is this a stupid question" I will say no it is not a stupid question
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