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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado ryu
  • Location
    Kent, UK
  • Interests
    Karate, Kung fu, Working out
  • Occupation

Russell's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. ink pouch installed where??? Get one on you nose so if any1 did punch you they would get covered in ink. Now thats an anti-bullying invention!!!!!
  2. ALL HAIL WARLOCK ALL HAIL WARLOCK!!!!! (privte joke)
  3. How about creatine? It is made naturaly in your body anyway. Many athleates use it jst to speed up recovery time so there muscles dont ache the next day. And multi vitamins.
  4. LOL Any one wanna try fryed chicken MenteReligieuse style??? You first.
  5. Ok cool, thanks for ur input, Im gonna try pushing it to 50% compound and 50% Isometric. I got 3weeks left on my current program, I'm testing it out for a gym instructor friend of mine.
  6. I would never use fingered gloves on the bag, get some mits, and dont worry about the cost, get the best you can afford cos its worth it
  7. size of the room/s, how many higher grades, how many in the class, how much pad work/sparring/kata they do sylabus, whatever you want to know, just ask them. I'm sure they would be happy to talk to any1 thinking about goining.
  8. I messed up the last post, sorry ask your sensei, or some orange belts. Us guys on the net dont really know your situation the best ppl to talk to would be the higher grades in your class.
  9. Thats great if your in a kitchen, but if your wlaking through a field, the only weapons are you and the ground and you gotta get close to use ether of them.
  10. I agree that the pills are bad, But I think there were designed to be a kick in the but for large ppl. I can understand why a doctor would advise them for a one time use. This way it gives people a head start to change there life style. Im sure everyone would agree that its best to go natural, but some people are way past fat, and dont dare anymore. At least this gives them a chance.
  11. Sure I compleatly agree. But this guy would have to be pretty good if he was to beat 6guys with swords. Ive never got that in films when the guy with a bo deffends against a sword, I know it wouldnt cut through but it would do damage and cause splinters. I dont know how effective wooden weapons would be aginst sharp weapns.
  12. Thats just a tree, it doesnt really explain anything.
  13. I understand what your saying but I think your just writing stuff youve read and heard. My kung fu sifu trains martial arts at a wushu school every year. He said there very tough fighters and fight just like anyother northern kung fu school. The reason why it would be hard for anyone to switch from wushu to wing chun or other way round is because wushu is the most charicteristicly Northern kung fu we know of, and wing chun is the most southern. They have diffrent backgrounds and are totaly diffrent. Both are fighting arts. There is a strong performance part to the style but its still a fighting art.
  14. Ok I retract my comment about "pepper spray" but I deff believe that ppl who can't/or dont feel thay can use a deffensive weapon should use a deterrant spray. As I said in my last post, there are alternatives to pepper spray, and i believe they should be used. as for your comments on avalibility... Thats the same with any other weapon. Id rather take my chances trying to hit some1s eys from 4-6feet than wait till they are on you. Of course, all of this is out the window if its a surprise attack. On sim note, I my sister has a very small thin spray canister, with an electric horn and a kobutan. I think thats great.
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