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Roc's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I train in other- chidokan karate
  2. At my dojo we also have junior black belts and I believe that that is good way of doing things as well. [ This Message was edited by: Roc on 2002-06-11 08:03 ]
  3. I had quick look through a book thingy that I got when I joined my dojo and there is a head butt in there thats called Men Uchi Tsuki but it has a little star next to it, the only technique with one in the whole book, but I don't know what thats for. It's called a head butt so I guess that's what it is
  4. I do chidokan karate and we practice take downs quite often, though I don't know if they are similar to BJJ or not.
  5. I thought that your shins were the hardest bone in your body??
  6. I do chidokan karate and my sensei teaches small circle principles and techniques when we do locks and stuff, it's very powerful stuff when done correctly.
  7. I was born in a small country town called Renmark in South Australia, Australia. I am currently learn Chidokan karate.
  8. I would really like to learn Muay Thai and BJJ, there used to be a guy at my dojo that taught Muay Thai but unfortunately he left a few years before I joined and it isn't taught anymore . Oh and perhaps some kung-fu if I ever came across a place that teaches it. [ This Message was edited by: Roc on 2002-04-22 09:45 ]
  9. My strongest side is my right side and I feel most comfortable having that side lead, but it all depends on little things on the day for which side I have leading.
  10. I scored myself 67.5% which means I'm Edgy. If your nice to me everythings peachy but if you piss me off watch out!! [ This Message was edited by: Roc on 2002-04-20 11:17 ]
  11. Thanks everybody
  12. Hey, I was wondering does anybody here have a good way to toughen up shins/top of feet?. Whenever I start to kick my boxing bag I can only do between 5-10 before I have to change legs because they start to hurt (abit like when you kick a football without any shoes on). Kicking a kickpad (or whatever they're called) is ok it is only when I kick something reasonably solid, like a boxing bag, that they start to hurt a little. So is there a way to toughen them up or do I have to just keep on kickin and they will toughen eventually?. Cheers in advance.
  13. Thank God I'm not the only one who closes doors with a kick haha
  14. My favourite stance is my free fighting stance which is basically the same as Kokutsu dachi, except my weight is more evenly distributed over both my legs. Or I suppose you could say it's just Kokutsu dachi .
  15. Because where I train it's only a small country town so it costs $35 a month (this is in Australia don't forget so it's about 15-20 US).
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