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Everything posted by Twago

  1. "I don't fear the man who did 1000 kicks 1 time, but the man who did 1 kick 1000 times."
  2. There's a saying that goes: "I don't fear the man who did 1000 kicks 1 time, but the man who did 1 kick 1000 times." Now I'm not saying Muay Thai is better. I'm just putting this quote to make you think about it.
  3. There's a tricky post here...hummm...here's my opinion Even if you have the biggest baddest weapon that ever existed, if you don't know how to make it work, it's useless. BUT, a dumb person with a loaded gun can still be deadly. Dunno if you guys get the meaning of that.
  4. "In the past, an instructor of mine would tell me to do something a certain way because the master who invented it had a fifth degree black belt. So what? If he never tried it in a real fight then I'm not interested in learning it." - Bas Rutten; 1995 King of Pancrase, 1998 UFC Champion
  5. (see my signature) "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." - Muhammad Ali
  6. Yeah...cause if u stay outside he will touch u but u won't. If ur inside, it will be too hard for him to hit u since he's gotta be a bit further
  7. i might not be as experienced as Justfulwardog & AndrewGreen, but i guess it also depends on which MA u do. cause if u do Muay Thai, i don't think bobbing will work against knees (and yes...i DID bob against a knee and it hurts sooooooo much ). personnally i agree with u guys when u mention that he's gotta stay "inside" his longer range
  8. I dunno if you guys know Savate (French boxing) but in this MA, you gotta strike on certain spots which hurts a lot if done correctly so i guess it would be useful in that case. Same thing for TKD.
  9. Yeah...just like Bruce Lee said: "when there is an opportunity... l do not hit...it hits all by itself (shows his fist)."
  10. I think there's already two that exist called "K-1 World Grand Prix" & "K-1 World Max". BTW, K-1 is a league that regroups any styles (i think). These tournaments are held every year.
  11. Just wondering how you guys set up a KO or a final blow . Do you use a particular combination, go for a certain part of the body or do you just have to observe the opponent and look for an opening ?
  12. I just began muay thai and kickboxing about a month ago and I'm kinda intimidated by the majority of people here who've been doing many MAs for many years. I just wanna know if you guys have any tips for rookies like me as far as how to handle the traininig at the beginning.
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