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Experienced Members
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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan, Kempo
  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  • Interests
    Shotokan, scotch, sleep
  • Occupation
    Office Goddess
  • Website

Shotochick's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. http://www.jkaa.com.au/pages/mainframe.html
  2. The Shotocup 2006 is in Sydney --- yippeee
  3. I would never date a student (and when I was a student Iwould never hav e dared date a BB at my school). That said - if you are on or around eh same level then I see nothing wrong with it - provided when/if you ever break up you are both mature to keep training together and not beat the heck out of each other! Ask yourself now - are you able to do that. If the answer is no - wait a few years or look elsewhere.
  4. I like to fight. Men or women. Usually fight men as there are not enough chicks in our style. But, fighting the men pushes me harder, makes me try things I wouldntnormally do, we usually geta bit of close qtr fighting/semi-grappling going which is brilliant. We glove up. Love it. Great adrenalin rush.
  5. I dont care what othyer people think my belt is worth. To me, MY BB is of underterminable value. Who cares how other people see it? I got it for me, not them.
  6. I think it made it more accessible to people. Granted, it gave a lot of non-martial artists bad jokes and comments to last an eternity (like my tshirt that has a pic of Mr Miyagi that say "Miyagi Car Wash Service") but I donth think of that as a negative - if we cant laugh at oursleves then we need to get the stick surgically removed.
  7. Been there - had that. I find with me it is worse in teh winter months. I do a lot of stretching, especially dropping the heels off a step I find works great for allieveing teh pain and stretching teh muscles out.
  8. Kewl Makoto - so when I come over and play with my Rats next year you guys are all going to take me out and buy me drinks (or is that just so you can see the 5 pint trick?)
  9. How does my having a few drinjks and dancing on tables affect people? I dont fall on them. I dont spill my drinks on them. I make them laugh with/at me. Losing senses means a numbing of stress thereby imbiding me with a sense of happiness and a "devil may care" attitude. I dont pick fights. If anything I stop them. Well that’s a first .. Explain Because non-drinkers who espouse on and on about the evils of drink are frigging BORING. I put them on par with people who try to convert you to their religion. If their advice about the demon drink was wanted it would be asked for.
  10. I would go Empi for first round - less risky. Then Kanku-Dai.
  11. So you dont want to be told to drink - then what right does anyone else have to tell others NOT to drink? Peoples non-drinking affects drinkers as well!
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