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roguewolftamer's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. supose to help change the direction, so if u hit it, i think the ball was supose to help move it around more then a normal punching bag now im sure if u got the ball goin it'd be more effective 12.5" diameter; 40" overall; Weight: 70lbs.(including attached ball bag) http://www.wle.com/media/01663.jpg
  2. it was about half of a normal punching bag with a ball attached to the bottom of it (same length as a normal punching bag since the ball had to be just so far from the bag)
  3. i seen a punching bag that had a ball attached to it the ball was supose to make the bag less predictable (cause it would change the direction it swings abit), but i dont have the money to buy it, else i would
  4. that just means she doesnt stretch as hard you can stretch to a certain extent to prevent cramps or anything, but still not be as flexible but it just seems more beneficial for certain martial arts to be that flexible
  5. everyone has the same potential, but females probably have a better STARTING potential, meaning their more flexible to start off with
  6. what u quoted just stated that he said u could survive a knife attacked now stopping a knife requires a bullet proof vest, then say ur so good u can stop a knife
  7. bad joke o.O plus u didnt specify which oil
  8. that's why i said u'll probably have to learn iron palm along side of iron body, since it uses the same type of training and such, just different uses
  9. ya, as i said i was little and all it took was around 3 weeks and i was doin the splits
  10. i was the same when i was doing karate i was the ONLY person (including my instructor) that could do the splits but i was also pushing my limits whenever we stretched in the beginning, which helped out alot (and being young helped too) but im sure if ur in shape and push urself hard enough u could become pretty flexible
  11. its possible (i guess), but even though you can learn iron palm doesnt mean it's completely useless and i would love to learn iron body but im sure iron palm will need to be learned along-side it (for training or whatever) but ill see what happens
  12. ... ppl in the forum assume too much the point of iron palm isnt always to HIT your opponent, thats why your suppose to learn iron body, so when you take a hit you dont go back (meaning your opponent is open for an attack if their close enough, tae kwon do might keep them far enough that only their leg is a target) i would practice iron palm just for the hell of it, nothin special
  13. i would suggest asking chiropracters (i think i spelled it wrong) if they can do anything, but im sure the MD would have said something if your bone structure was mishaped in some way i would suggest working around it and try to learn to use your left leg more then your right, but you'll still have to work around any pain you get else you could always use punching mainly and ask around (mainly doctors and others like it) to see if there's more alternatives to just surgery personaly i dont know, but these are the things i would try first, i got all kinds of problems, nothing too serious but my left leg grows faster because i use to lean on my right leg all the time, but im self-concious about how i walk (it's nothing too noticable but sometimes it feels like im swaying) then ill probably develop arthiritis in my joints, but i already knew that was coming and i have enough back/neck problems due to having to carry around a heavy backpack in the previous years of school it's bad enough that they have you carry around heavy books for 7 hours a school day, then they make it worse in some years and not as bad in others
  14. personaly i think it's all on the person, girls would probably more flexible IF they were cheerleaders or a gymnist, but that's for obvious reasons i cant give ya any proof, but it seems anyone can be as flexible as another, it just takes some work to get that flexible (seems yoga helps sometimes too)
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