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Everything posted by elfordo

  1. Hey fellas i'm faced with a delima, i have the choice of training in both muay thai or kyokushin. I like both mainly for there strength and power when executing techniques. I'm facing the decision of which to take up i have trained in both for a couple of weeks and love both of them, i'm sort of leaning towards muay thai because it's more simple to learn i think, i wanna be a fighter later on and was wondering who would make more money and get more exposure a karate fighter or kickboxer. And which style would you guys choose and why?(just wanna hear what u guys think.) Thankyou
  2. Hey fellas, i have had a fasination with ninjitsu since i was a kid and watched those great ninja movies like shinobi ninja. A new dojo has opened down the road from me its Bujinkan. I heard this is like 9 styles of ninjitsu put into one, and also that its 9 styles of jui jitsu put into one. I would love to study ninjitsu, but if it's just jui jitsu then whats the point, i want to learn swords and all that other stuff like fighting blind floded. Has anyone studied it, is it a form of ninjitsu, or just a grappling art. Thankyou
  3. G'day fellas i recently purchased some new bag gloves, ringmaster's they are. After training for the first time with them my right hand-the knuckles and fingers absolutely cained, so much pain, mainly when i closed my hand. I didn't really know what to think, so i igonored the pain, it lasted a while. Anyways so today i do some bag work and it starts again the pain in the right knuckle and fingers, what is going on. Is it the new gloves, it has never happened before, just these gloves, also the right glove has more padding than the left. Thankyou
  4. G'day fellas, i train in kyokushin there is basically no grappling ground work in it. I want to learn a grappling art to give me a make me a more well rounded martial artist. I have seen BJJ in action it is awesome, but i have also seen judo in action and that is awesome aswell. To me it looks like BJJ is basically always on the ground and judo can throw em and fight em on the ground. In my area there is a BJJ place and a judo place, the judo place is taught by a russian olympic competetor and olympic coach, and the bjj is taught by a break off from the machado's. Which in your eyes is a more well rounded art, my opinion right now is headed towards judo but i would like to hear your opinions. Thankyou
  5. Hey guys i train in martial arts style muay thai. In 1 month a national all styles tournament is coming and i have to enter becasue theres only 1 a year. My main problem is fitness, i want to be able to go round after round without huffing and puffing. My fitness right now is probably average because i took some time off from muay thai to work and my fitness dropped. My question is how do i get fit for a tournament the quickest? Do i run, hiit or sprints i don't really know, i heard a fight is usually anaerobic more than aerobic but why did all the boxers run then. Thanks
  6. I wanna know what every1 thinks about tae kwon do? I currently do kyokushin but like taekwon do for it's jumping kicks and speed when executing kicks. Is it worth learning, do they do takedowns and stuff or would it be more benifital to do hapkido. Thankyou
  7. Guys after training in both styles i have chosen kyokushin. Both styles i enjoyed but i fight regualry in tournaments and kyokushin helps me train better for them and also the people at kyokushin are alot nicer. But shotokan is still a good style but i prefer kyokushin. Thanks guys for all ur input.
  8. Hey guys i have been studying kyokushin lately(my muay thai trainer closed his gym). I really like kyokushin but i feel it needs to be complemented. Do you guys have any recommendations on what goes weel with kyokushin karate. Thankyou
  9. Hey guys, i have been doing muay thai for about a year now. I have had 7 muay thai matches and won all, there is this martial arts tournament coming up soon, where you vs people from all styles but at your level of experience. The thing is my trainer has closed his gym, and moved interstate, leaving me to train for this thing by myself. I have been taking some time off lately from martial arts so my fitness has dropped alittle. My question is what are some really good training drills to get ready for a martial arts tournament, does any1 have experience in these and what are some key points i need to know. I also am now taking kyokushin, to harden up for the tournament. Thankyou, anything helps!
  10. Hey guys/girls Is shotokan an effective style on the street, or in match. I'm a muay thai fighter but am interested in karate, something traditional but effective, i've heard shotokan is great. What do you think?
  11. I'm new to this forum but i want to know which style would you choose and why? Most of the time this question gets answered like choose by the teacher if he is good or what not. I want to know art wise which is the better choice, competion, fitness and self defence wise. So which is the better style, who has trained in these styles and why do you like them. Thankyou
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