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Everything posted by Zaine

  1. My Sensei created his own style. He didn't start from the ground up, however. He used Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu as a base and added what he thought was necessary. In the end he called it Neshmahat Elohim Yad Reyqa and changed it to a Hebrew based system.
  2. That's the usual reaction. For most, we get into MA because we want to learn the physical side of it for various personal reasons so when we come across something like Mokuso we find it a little abstract and odd. Then, however, we learn that MA (at least traditional MA) is so much more than the physical and we warm up to it a lot more. I like that way that it impacts you, that is pretty cool.
  3. Agreed! Focus on one at a time if the system is new!
  4. I'm not sure how many comic book fans there are here, but tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day (FCBD)! It's a day where you can go to your local comic book store and get some free comics no purchase necessary(not all of the comics are free so be sure to ask)! There are also usually some great sales so everyone should check it out! Here's a website you can use to find out where your nearest comic book store is! http://www.freecomicbookday.com/Home/1/1/27/992
  5. Great advise! I agree with this.
  6. I love riding a bike. It's my favorite way to get cardio in whether it be on the road or off.
  7. They shouldn't as long as you practice good technique.
  8. To the bold type above... Years of experience?? I ask because most tournaments nowadays ask ones experience level and not belt color. I have been at tournaments where they have requested experience. But most i've entered ask only for rank. But some i've entered ask for BOTH I have only attended tournaments that have asked for rank.
  9. Preparation! Like the post above me have suggested, make a list of all the things that need to be packed so that he isn't missing anything! Have him become familiar with the rules and regulations and remind him that he needs to have fun. England is an awesome place and he should enjoy every minute.
  10. It will only keep getting better!
  11. In short, nothing directly. There will always be those who abuse their positions of authority, and cut corners for the sake of their egos (to obtain more authority). As for the governing body caring two bits, probably not because the Sandan is someone else to help spread the administration/overhead work around to. The only case I see the governing body caring is whether their reputation will be damaged by having said Sandan or Godan do what they're doing, and only if irrefutable proof can be shown. How much sacrifice are you willing to go through to obtain said proof? And, in the end, is it worth it? The way we handle these situations is to ignore those folks, and let the art prove itself. No arguing with them, no reasoning with them, just letting the art prove itself through the training/teaching. Those students that are more interested in trophies, belts, and egos will tend to go the way of the folks you mentioned above. However, those students that are in it for the training, learning, and the art, will eventually see through those guys and seek better training/learning. Great post! The most important question is whether or not it is worth it. For me, that's a no. Being a good example of MA is the best thing that you can do.
  12. Welcome to KF, it's good to have you here! Congrats on your Shodan!
  13. Welcome back to MA! I hope that this part of your journey is just as enjoyable!
  14. When I was younger, I wanted people to know because part of me wanted to prove myself. To whom? I don't know, but I told everybody. As I became more mature, I realized that the more people I told, the more problems it would potentially create for me. At a party a friend may get in a fight and say "Hey, my buddy John is a BB, let me get him over here and he will show you what's what!" I now know that I don't ever want to be in a real life fight if I can help it.
  15. I think that your observation is spot on. There is a reason we call MA journey and this is because it takes time and love. We, as a society, not just those who scoff at tradition MA, are a culture of instant gratification. What was the score to last nights game? Let me check my smart phone. I want a burger NOW! I'll go to the nearest fast food place. Is there something inherently wrong with this? Maybe, maybe not, but it has taught us that the best things are those which we can get our hands on quickly and that is the opposite of was tradition MA teaches in my opinion. Then of course, as Wagnerk pointed out, some "tradition MA" schools (not the scare quotes) aren't worth anything and, as Sensei8 points out, it's the practitioner that lacks effectiveness. I've seen some fantastic karateka come out of less than fantastic schools and some sub-par karateka come out of fantastic schools. Unfortunately, it is often those that are less than great (whether it be in what they think or their skill level) are often times the loudest voices.
  16. Absolutely. I got into MA and loved it, I can't imagine not training but there are some who teach and do nothing else. That baffles me! You teach because you love MA so much that you want to pass it on (ideally, I'm aware that there are those who do it for other reasons). As teachers, we are an example! Technique has to stay above standard and if one doesn't train that can't happen. Can anyone stop being a student? Sure. Should they? Absolutely not.
  17. It's for this reason that I don't really focus on lineage. Proof is on the floor. Just because I learn from X instructor who learned from X instructor who learned from X instructor doesn't mean I am good, nor does it mean those who came before were good.
  18. Meditation! It's a great way to prepare at the beginning and unwind at the end. There are some great articles on it online though, I suggest checking them out!My first school didn't do it period. My Sensei didn't like to do it for religious reasons (we tried to explain that it wasn't religious but he wouldn't hear it).
  19. Speak for yourself! Everybody learns at different paces.
  20. When I use shoes for training, I use "barefoot" shoes, like Vibram. I really like them but they get pricey and they're not for everyone.
  21. Zaine


    Please expound on this. Thanks I think that they mean intensity in this case.
  22. I find that interesting. Especially given we are talking about your absolute dream student. I'd rather have a 50:50 split maybe even lean more to physical ability. I think you can work on the enthusiasm and interest but if there is zero natural ability I think even the 100% passionate student will really struggle and become disheartened. For me, I don't think that I am naturally talented at MA in the slightest. Everything that I have done and accomplished I worked very hard and it was disheartening at times! Especially when some new student would become the favorite because they just naturally picked up on things and that was never me. That being said, because of my enthusiasm I became the first BB for that teacher, and those that became favorites usually didn't make it all the way. I can teach technique and I can help those who find themselves disheartened, but it is much harder to implant enthusiasm in a student who has none I don't believe that I should try to. If it's not something they love I shouldn't make them love it. I can show them why I love it, but that doesn't mean that they are going to love it in return.
  23. Zaine


    Welcome to KF! Like everyone else has mentioned, you're new, and you're going to mess up. The thing that you need to know is that everyone messes up! Even your Sensei! To err is human, and we are all human. Don't be dispirited because we have all been there. To me, this is the most important thing that you have said. Keep the love and you will excel! Practice daily and get better! If you're insecure about a technique then talk to your instructor! That's what they're there for and they want to watch you grow as much as us!
  24. Simply, I think that it's awesome that some one else wants to begin their journey with Martial Arts, and that I should do everything I can to help them. No one is great when they start out. That goes for everybody. It's part of my job as a higher ranking student to help them get better. The thing that separates a white belt from a black belt is knowledge and time. I have seen new students who are prolifically talented and I have seen black belts who can't throw a proper punch. A belt signifies, to me, what is expected of a student, whether it be attitude or technique.
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