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Everything posted by Drivr

  1. After my last tournament I thought a black uniform at least for tournaments might be nice. the blood was a pain to get out of my white one.
  2. Good luck, my BB test was the hardest thing I have ever done and I wouldnt have wanted it any other way. Train hard but dont forget to rest just as hard. Over training can be your biggest enemy.
  3. Ok call me old and traditional but what is a 540?
  4. those pullover tops will fit large folks as long as you buy them big enough. But they seem to all be thin material and when grappling they rip way to easy.
  5. You've got better control than I have then. I would have hospitalized him if it was one of my daughters if not outright killed him.
  6. I get this all the time, I'm 39 and built like a stump, I'm short and fat.Lol.But I can kick, and I am very fast with my hands. The best example of this I have seen was at a tournament when a young mans mother wanted to know why her Green belt son was grouped with the other kids his age and not with the brown and blacks. The only person in his age/rank group was a girl and she did not "pay to see him fight a girl". She was going to pull him from the tournament and go home but I convinced her to keep him in. She said the match would only last until he hit the girl once. Well he never touched her, her kicks were so fast and accurate that she scored all 3 points one right after the other. He has not been back to class since then.
  7. We actually teach this to the kids in out classes. When we are working on safety and strangers we teach them "zones" that they should feel comfortable with and how close they think they should let someone get before feeling uncomfortable. Some days it seems my personal space is line of sight.
  8. Warm up and stretch. Because you have martial arts experience already this should be a given for you. When you start doing the kicks at first dont worry about height, worry about form. If you practice the kick at your highest but with bad form then when the height comes easily the form will still be bad from muscle memory. If you dont have the height yet dont worry. A low kick executed properly is much more efective than a high kick done poorly. I still can not kick to the head with anything other than a front snap kick but all my kicks are effective at the height I can kick at.
  9. God I feel old, I just recieved my 1st dan in sept and I am 39 years old.
  10. Congradulations, it feels real nice when you earn them.
  11. Friday nights part of the test was the hardest and most psysically demanding things I have ever done. 4 mile run on the beach, 500 push ups, 500 situp, forms, then kicks. By the time we got to the kicks both my legs were cramping but I and the other 3 testing with me got through it. we went home around 10 that night after 4 hours of training and were back for the test at noon on Saturday. Everything went perfect. all the boards broke, all the patio blocks broke, we remembered our forms and the spinning jump in Chung-moo did not kill the ankle I sprained tuesday. All 4 of us got our confirmed 1st dan black belts.
  12. Bummed now, during training last night got taken down with a badly executed leg takdown and ended up with a sprained ankle. gonna go buy a good brace today and hope for the best.
  13. ITF style but without the sinewave. My instructor has a 5th degree black belt in both ITF and WTF but teaches ITF.
  14. Finally after almost 5 years I am testing for my black belt on Sept 10th. I am just a bundle of nerves this week and luckily i have an understanding wife who told me she wont kill me in my sleep . Wish me luck.
  15. Something to think about before using a hanging bag. when you hit that bag hanging from any joist in the house everyone in the house will know. If you have kids and like to train at night then you might want to think about that. I have one of the wavemaster freestanding bags in my basement and though it moves as least I dont wakeup the kids during a workout.
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