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  • Martial Art(s)
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    martial arts, art, music, life.
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bruceflea's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. I think this is a pointless observation. So if what if someone is homosexual or straight? I dont go around asking people there sexual preferences because it is irrelivant to my training! Its 2006 not 1906.
  2. Ok in the dojo, but that stop her effectively defending herself on the street. And in my opnion...thats where good martial art training counts!! THAT DID NOT rather.
  3. Ok in the dojo, but that stop her effectively defending herself on the street. And in my opnion...thats where good martial art training counts!!
  4. WHY was her technique awful?...she floored the guy and got outta there...stuff technique when your adrenaline is pumping thru your body. You dont think about hitting you just hit. Real life situations are not competion or sport...its not about how good her FORM was. Shes lived another day and THATS what matters.
  5. I took it and i advice against it...unless you are a serious BODYBUILDER!!! I ended up looking puffy as it retains tons of water. My girlfriend hated it and when i came off it i looked much trimmer, better. Weights, cardio, MA, general fitness and good food. Living life without obsessing...upsetting the balance in your mind.... is the order of the day. You can increase your protien in shakes but i would strongly advice agaisnt creatine supplements.
  6. Id say medium pace..if you do em too fast you lose the tension the exercise places on your muscles...and of course you lose the effect of the exercise.
  7. Sorry I didnt think you did mean offence!! My tone of text was obviously a bit dodgy!! No worries! glad that was cleared up.
  8. The 150-200 a day is probably more of a self improvement/maintenance thing. I don't know of any classes where you are doing that many of a single exercise. In response to the OP, yes, it is important to keep your head and back straight and in line. The more you contort your neck, the greater the chance of strain or injury, and the less you work the muscles you intend to. Just an FYI for everyone, pushups work the triceps just as much if not more than they work the chest. Aodhan Agreed but i dont agree with the fact p.ups work the triceps more....its just not that black and white. The general rule is... wide-chest affected more normal, i.e...shoulder width apart-chest AND triceps, the overall thing. close spacing,or diamond hand-triceps more. By the way, yes it is a maintence thing but martial arts and training, doesnt just start and end in the gym or class. Anything you can add in your own time only gives you more of an edge, in my own humble opinion.
  9. Please i meant no offence... i only mentioned the 150 as a great target to reach, for me at least. I also tend to break them up, say 50 in the morning and 50 in the afternoon or such... I really see them as a good way to stay strong when you have no access to a gym, as they can be done anywhere. What ever works for you though, is great. Also my girlfriend doesnt do them to that excess but i feel proud of the fact that, once she couldnt do them and now she can. I just think women can be just as good if not better than us guys...ive got the bruises to prove it!!
  10. What are, womens press ups? My girlfriend goes to the same club as i and can do regular push ups...before she couldnt do one. Its all in practise and trial. Do you mean on your knees push ups? I think they are good to start but one should try to move onto proper push ups as soon as. Push ups are great in womens self defence because it gives you explosive power, to push an attacker away!
  11. 150-200 a day... sets of 20-30 minimum rest between sets. push up normal, wide, narrow spacing. push up raised leg. push up on knuckles. push up weighted back pack. push up clap hands. As good as any bench pressing routine. Go all the way to the floor, if you cheat, you get no benifits so dont bother. stretch first.
  12. You know what?...all this win chun vs boxing vs judo is REALLY getting on my nerves. Fighting is fighting and all arts have merit. You may be an experienced fighter in boxing who gets a swift kick to the nuts and its over!! Its not the art but how the individaul, interperts the art, that decides the outcome of a fight.
  13. What else would you use? Medium force? Light force? When you hit a guy, you want to hit him as hard as possible, right? Especially if you're smaller- every extra bit of force you can get from proper technique to bring him down. Besides, if you train in boxing, you probably know to hit a guy in the bridge of the nose, or the side of the neck, or any other dirty trick most guys just pick up (for streetfighting) here and there. As for attacking the limbs... come on. If i put my fists up and you try and hurt my arms, I'll hit you in the face. Plain and simple, it just doesn't work. And if you present me with your punch, i may just grab your arm and break it, thus attacking your limbs. Not that i would to you of course!! I dont think its so cut and dry as that.
  14. Looking in the mirror everyday!
  15. Fair enough!! Do weights but keep em lighter and mix it with more body resistense exercise...push ups, sit ups, chin ups....more natural. You dont want to over stress your joints as your bones are still growing at an acelerated rate. Cardio is the key to real world power...big muscles are for show, if thats what you want be patient and not obsessive. Good luck...dont drop that dumbell on your head!! use a spotter, save way the smart way.
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