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White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Well, Infidel, consider yourself lucky because I haven't met too many people familiar with this type of punching methodology. It is (or at least is supposed to be) a Shorin-Ryu methodology derived from Chosin Chibana's punching method...who learned this punching method from Itosu. When my instructor trained with Chibana, he watched Chibana punch makiwara for an hour one day and figured out what it was that made Chibana's punch so powerful. The two discussed it afterwards and he's been punching this way ever since. I've heard Shotokan guys say on these forums that they punch this same way, but what I've seen other Shotokan guys do in the flesh is very different. It's not as ubiquitous as you or I thought it would be. I see. Being new to karate, I'm fairly ignorant to the way others do things. All I know is that we punch just as was described earlier. We point the index and middle finger knuckles at the target (fist is at an angle for alignment). We also have a "snap" to our moves. These traits are from our lineage. They are what I see as "normal" since they are all I know at this point in my training.
  2. A great way to start is to do push-ups at a higher angle so you're not pushing as much body weight. Example, try doing push-ups with your hands on a wall and your legs angled outward. As you get stronger, you can gradually work your way down (your body angle) so you're pushing more of your body weight. Conversely, to make push-ups more difficult, you can place your feet on a table or bed so they are elevated and push yourself up from the floor.
  3. This is exactly how my sensei has taught me. I thought this was the way everyone learned.
  4. I've heard that boxers move their head with the punch in order to absorb less shock. For instance; if you get punched on the right side of your face, you'll want to pull your head left. If it's a straight jab, pull your head directly back.
  5. Where was this tournament? I've been wanting to check one of these out but I don't know where they take place. I would've PM'd you but I need 25 posts to do so. Thanks.
  6. Sheesh, I just started 2 months ago and I'm 29. I've kept myself in good shape through my 20's and I'm currently in the best shape of my life. Karate is the main reason. Guess it's just me but when I see a younger person at a more advanced level than me, I'm happy for them. Hell, I'm not too proud to ask them for advice. My main focus is just improving myself. I know I will be competitive one day.
  7. so if he spars with students, has anybody ever beat him in a sparring match?I'll reply for him since I'm am in the class as well. He currently teams up with us during certain exercises. We haven't started sparring yet (probably next month). There's no way any of us will beat him anytime soon if ever. He is one bad mofo. so I'm guessing he's not one of those slow,overweight masters huh?Hehe no. He's in great shape. There are slow overweight ones? That's kind of strange since karate keeps you in shape.
  8. I think you're referring to "ossu" (the "u" is silent). Not sure in the martial arts world but in everyday Japanese, it means "what's up?". It's used in casual conversation with friends and almost exclusively by men. A woman would not sound very feminine saying this but I have heard them say it (rare).
  9. so if he spars with students, has anybody ever beat him in a sparring match?I'll reply for him since I'm am in the class as well. He currently teams up with us during certain exercises. We haven't started sparring yet (probably next month). There's no way any of us will beat him anytime soon if ever. He is one bad mofo.
  10. 65 miles and totally worth it. There are only 3 students in the class which is at my sensei's house. There are schools closer to home but not nearly as good.
  11. Check out this thread. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6381
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