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Everything posted by mantis

  1. does rober DiNerro with a gun count as a MA actor?
  2. http://www.shaolinwolf.com/maguideindex/maguideindex.htm it's the black tiger i believe
  3. Assassin as in the book that talks about the "hashashin"? this is more like an art of stabbing and killing, isnt it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashashin this is an art of the Ismaili's and Nizari's against the arabs, it's not an arabic martial art. the only thing i'd consider an MA of arabs is sword fighting which was around 1600 years ago, where they used to start an army battle with 3 pairs fighting from each army first, and the armies would join!
  4. i know they have a new one practiced majorly by militants, they talked about it in the news it's like krav maga and stuff, basically aimed against police, army and forces like that... but im not sure how it looks like or what it's called or anything
  5. now that depends what kind of screen cleaner he has
  6. this leaves arabs only with no martial arts! bad for them
  7. could u tell us more about some of the differences between mantis styles? like the 8-step, or the blooming something, and 7-star?
  8. that's why u should always practice with people better than you if u wanna be big u play big bro (former gang member) jk
  9. actually i found a good source about kung fu history, and chinese arts in general http://www.shaolinwolf.com/index.html im answering myself here!
  10. oh, i also know that Mantis Kung Fu is associated with the Ming dynasty era
  11. i think of those as tools u have in ur pockets, it's up to u to pull one and work with it when u feel like it. sometimes they are a restriction only if you think that you must only use one of these forms... or moves good post
  12. i used to play with my cool viet friends about not having a MA, but i guess i cant anymore man those gatka guys are PHAT dude... lol
  13. first of all, i want to remind you that i ONLY asked the question coz I DONT KNOW!!!!! second i got such info from sites such as: http://www.mrdowling.com/613chinesehistory.html http://www.crystalinks.com/chinadynasties.html i basically google things!
  14. neither hong kong, nor Taiwan are china (i mean they are, and they are not, depends on your political views, but u know what i mean)
  15. dippedappe why does ur avatar remind me of memory leaks, or java or something like that?
  16. did she go there for practice only? it's either ur cousin is good, or she bribed them, well either way she's good hehe
  17. I actually heard of some sowrd fighting that Sikhs practice at their temples, but my memory is unable to save me here with the name of the art i even heard of a VIETNAMESE are.. i think it's called Vevonam or something, im not sure of the name either!
  18. 20 min's in metric is about 6ft
  19. TKD buddy, i like ur bruce lee quote i fear the man who practices one kick 10,000 times (when he's not on hash lol)
  20. interesting have u heard of an indian martial art?
  21. i watched Dan Insonato's videos about JKD, and I watched Lee's, and watched Dan Sullivan teaching... the three of the men do not agree on a style, but they agree on switching between styles and picking their best choice when they see fit. JKD as "intercepting fist" doesnt really exist anymore, but what's left is Lee's speech about "water"
  22. the school doesnt look good to me man there's not branch around where i live what up with that?
  23. did anybody heard, or does anybody practice the russian MA? sambo, or something else?
  24. do they train u online? i mean like online classes? jp
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